chapter seven

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Tegan's P.O.V.

My eyes opened slowly, and the sound of soft breathing filled my ears. Looking down, I saw Charlotte leaning against my chest, also noticing my arm around her shoulders. Using my other arm, I dug around in my pocket for my phone so I could check the time. 7:23am.

I shook Charlotte's shoulder. "Charlotte," I whispered in her ear as she stirred, "Char. Wake up." Finally, she opened her eyes, then used her hand to cover them, before she yawned, asking me for the time. "It's about seven twenty-three."

Charlotte nodded, then shook her head, looking at me. "Hi."

I smiled at the sight of her; messy hair from sleeping outdoors, tiredness in her eyes, along with happiness. "Good morning."

She snuggled back into my chest, and I held her in my arms, kissing her forehead. We just watched the water, people going on their morning walks, riding their bicycles - just doing their own thing. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

Charlotte nodded a small nod, and a light blush crept onto her cheeks, "Actually, yes. I am." She admitted.

"Let's go get some food. Okay?"


We got up, dusting off the dirt, and I told Charlotte to hop on my back so that I could carry her. She was not totally into the idea at first, so I told her we could not, nor would we, leave until she did so. That helped.

So now I was walking towards the local diner, a twenty dollar bill in my pocket, Charlotte on my back. Her voice filled my ear. "Tegan?"

"Yes, beautiful?"

"I love you."

I smiled at those three words, and I realized how right they sounded. It wasn't awkward, or different. Well, it was a little different, but good different. It was normal, like it was already there before, now it was just verbal, too. And I know that it's still new, but I also know that I like the sound of it. "I love you, too."

About ten minutes later, we arrived at the diner, since it was not that far from the lake; maybe about a mile and a half.  I let Charlotte jump off of my back, and then we walked inside together. I had only been here a few times, and I really liked it. The whole inside of the diner was made up like fifties, and they great service- not to mention the amazing food. It was a bit greasy at times, but too good to not eat it.

The waitress lead us to a booth, and Charlotte and I sat across from each other as she handed us our menus. "There ya are!" She said, smiling, and you could feel the smile in her voice. "Can I start you off with a drink, or do ya need a minute?"

Glancing in front of me, I meet Charlotte's eyes which told me to go ahead. "I'll have some coffee, please, and a glass of water."

"Alright, and for the pretty lady?"

Charlotte blushed, smiling. "Same here, please."

"You got it! I'll be back in a few. Oh, and my name is Lindsay."

"Thank you." Charlotte and I said in unison as she walked away into the kitchen.

- - - - - -

After eating, we walked to the park, just sitting on the bench, when Charlotte pulled her Polaroid out of her bag. "Let's take a picture, Teg. I want to remember this moment."

I smiled at the nick name, and took the camera from her, telling her to smile, then took the picture, before taking another, and another. "Okay, this time, look directly at the camera."

"Um.. Okay?" She replied, furrowing her eyebrows, but going along with it.

Just as I clicked the button, I leaned in and kissed her cheek, causing her to squeal in the process, so the picture came out with me kissing her cheek, and her making a face full of shock, surprise, and happiness. It was the best picture I ever took.

I stared at Charlotte when she noticed and started to stare back at me. "Can I confess something?" I asked.


"Every time I see you, I fall a little more." I confessed, seeing her smile reach from her lips to her eyes as I said this.

"Can I also confess something?" She asked in response.

"Always." I said, mimicking her.

"I feel the exact same way."

I stared at her a little more, and felt myself lean in, before asking if I could kiss her. She just nodded, slowly and softly.

My lips met hers half way, and I realized then and there that I would never love someone as much as I love her. Not now, not ever. People can say I'm still young all they want, but the people who know the feeling of true love, they'll understand.

Her lips were soft against mine, the butterflies in my stomach going crazy, like a riot, and I pulled away, smiling. She was mine, and I was hers. This was everything I had ever wanted. My dream come true.




Alright, guys... that's it! Holy crap. It's over. My first complete story. :o

I really hope you liked this story, and enjoyed Tegan and Charlotte. I know it wasn't the best, but like I said, it's my first complete. There will be an epilogue, and I'll post it in the next few days. Okay? Okay.

And, while I'm here, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to every single one of you who read this, commented, voted, everything. You guys are amazing. You are my inspiration to write.

I love you all so much! xx

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