𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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It had been a week since Mollie Henderson ran into her older cousin's teammate in the middle of Glasgow and it would be fair to say that he had been on her mind ever since.

Liam didn't know about their little encounter. It wasn't that Mollie was trying to hide anything from him, it was more so that she didn't think that she had anything to tell him. It was probably so insignificant that even if she did tell him, he would probably just shrug his shoulders and mumble about it being 'cool'.

The blonde girl had just finished a shift at her internship and since Edinburgh was the city that she grew up in and loved dearly, she decided to take a seat on one of the many benches inside Prince's Street Gardens. It was located right in the centre of the city and it was somehow busy and bursting with life yet tranquil and peaceful at the same time. It was what Mollie loved about the gardens; there was something there that everyone could enjoy.

Since it was rare for Mollie to have a half day or have much time off, she had decided to text her friend, Jason, one of the Hibernian players that Liam had played with, the night before and asked him if he had wanted to meet up for a bit. He too was a busy guy and didn't seem to have much time off since the football season was well and truly underway but since he was to be playing the following day, he had agreed to meet up with the blonde girl.

Mollie waited patiently for her friend to arrive, watching the world pass her by in serenity. She was most definitely a people watcher but her hobby was interrupted by a loud and very Scottish voice yelling her name from across the gardens, earning a few dirty looks from civilians who simply wished to enjoy the peacefulness that the gardens provided.

"Mollie, it's good to see you!" Jason yelled and the blonde girl could only shake her head at him and tell him to be quiet. She really didn't appreciate the glares that they were receiving from the public.

The two friends spent a bit of time catching up and Mollie made sure to say hello to Jason's dog, Carlos, that he had brought along with him. It had been a while since Mollie and Jason had had the chance to see each other since they were both so busy and Jason's free time was often spent with Liam.

"You coming to the game tomorrow?" The blonde boy asked and Mollie shook her head at him. She wished that she was going because it had been a while since she had been to Easter Road but she had a duty to go to Celtic Park to support her older cousin.

"Good luck though. I'm sure you'll smash Dunfermline." The two of them laughed at Mollie's words before agreeing that it was getting late and that they should both return home since they were to be busy the following day.


Arriving home, Mollie walked into a state of destruction. The house was littered with empty beer cans and food wrappers, the whole house had been turned upside down.

As Mollie walked further into her shared house, she realised that Liam had thrown a party in the time that she had been out. Most of the faces she didn't recognise but the ones she did recognise were all sober since they were his teammates and had a game to play the following day.

"Liam, what's going on?" The blonde asked her cousin as she grabbed his arm and stopped him from losing his balance on a stray beer can and knocking down an expensive photo frame.

"I'm having a party to take my mind off the fact that I didn't get selected for the squad." He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke nonchalantly. Mollie was not impressed with his behaviour in the slightest. She understood that he would be frustrated and upset with not making the match day squad but it didn't allow him to drown his sorrows by being destructive.

"Get rid of everyone and help me tidy up." She mumbled, not really in the mood to argue with him since she was tired from getting up early that morning and not getting home until late. All Mollie wanted to do was go for a shower and go to bed.

The younger of the cousins got a hold of a black bin bag and started to pick up sticky beer cans and threw them into the bag that she was holding. She was making a fair bit of progress when she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Anything I can do to help?" She looked up to see the same boy she met a few weeks ago standing in front of her, ready to help with whatever it was that she needed.

"If you could pick the cushions up and-" Mollie started but immediately stopped when she felt herself lose her footing and trip over one of the stray cushions that she was going to get the stranger to put back for her. She braced herself, getting ready to fall and hit the ground but she didn't. Instead, she landed herself in the arms of the guy that had been on her mind for the past few weeks.

"Put them back." She finished, her voice barely above a whisper as the proximity of their faces made her nervous. He simply nodded his head at her, his brunette hair flopping into his eyes as he stood the two of them up and got started on tidying up the cushions.

It didn't take long for the three of them to tidy up the living room and the kitchen and as soon as everything was done, Liam decided to head to bed, noticing that his cousin wasn't in a good mood with him.

"Thank you for your help..." Mollie trailed off as it occurred to her that she didn't know the name of the boy that had helped her out.

"Kieran." He finished for her and she nodded her head. She thought about his name for a bit and decided that she liked it, it suited him perfectly.

"Is there anyway that I can repay you?" The blonde girl rocked back and forth on her heels, nerves kicking in as she spoke to Kieran. She didn't know why she was nervous this time because she was usually a very confident and outgoing person.

"I know Liam isn't playing tomorrow but why don't you come to the game?" Kieran suggested. He knew that it was a bit out there, especially since the two of them didn't know each other that well but truth be told, Kieran had been intrigued by Mollie the moment that he met her and she started shouting facts about Hibernian to her.

"Sure. Give me your number and I'll text you when I get there." It was a smooth move from Mollie but Kieran was over the moon about it.

He handed her a slip of paper and as soon as he left, Mollie opened up and read it:

Here's my number in case you need it for tomorrow. Fun Fact: Celtic beat Hibs in the Coronation Cup Final in 1953.

Mollie Henderson and Kieran Tierney were at war.

Chapter Written: 2nd October 2017
Chapter Edited: 3rd August - 1st September 2020
Chapter Published: 1st September 2020

a/n: it's been a while so here is chapter two of 'i'm on my way'! if you're super observant, you would've noticed that i completely changed my first chapter of this story since i was just really unhappy with it. this book is under major construction which is why updates are taking a while but i definitley think that it will be worth it in the end.

also, who likes my new cover? not to toot my own horn or anything, but i'm actually really happy with them considering how rubbish i am at graphics.

a massive well done to the king kt for winning this season's fa cup and the community shield, it's well deserved and he's going to be needing a bigger trophy cabinet soon!

what goals would you set for your club this season?

- a few finals at hampden and a top three finish to get ourselves a spot in europe would be great.

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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