𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

587 19 10

WARNING: mentions of anxiety attacks. If this is triggering for you, I would recommend not reading or to read at your own discretion. My DMs are always open.

Mollie had been staring at her wardrobe for the past ten minutes. It wasn't that she was trying to impress Kieran because she wasn't. She couldn't care less what he thought of her. He either liked her as she was or he didn't and that was the fact of the matter. Mollie just had no idea what she was expected to wear to a Celtic match when neither of her cousins were playing.

In the end, the blonde girl opted for a pair of jeans and her 'Henderson' Celtic jersey. It was simple attire but it was only a football match that she was attending after all.

Making her way down the stairs of her shared house, the blonde girl inevitably ran into her older cousin who had been waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Truth be told, he was feeling incredibly guilty after the stunt that he pulled the night before. It was so out of character for her but Liam was old enough to know that it didn't make it okay.

"Mollie, can I talk to you please?" Liam was standing at the bottom of the staircase, leaning against the bannister as he took in his cousin's appearance. He noticed her wearing the green and white hoops of the team that he was a part of and automatically started to wonder as to why she was even going when he wasn't playing.

Mollie rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips as she waited for Liam to start talking. Liam hadn't seen her give him this sort of attitude since he was twelve years old. That was the last time Liam had seriously annoyed Mollie and he had vowed to never cross her again yet, here he was. He had messed up badly and he was determined to make it right again.

"I'm sorry, Molls. I was way out of line last night." Liam started. He couldn't stand the thought of not being on good terms with his cousin. It pained him. Physically. Mollie was his best friend and he needed her to be on his team.

"Go on." Mollie continued, raising her eyebrows at him. She wasn't mean. She was always going to forgive him regardless of how terrible his apology was. Mollie and Liam were a two for one deal. They were partners in crime. They were like two peas in a pod and a silly argument wasn't going to stop that but Mollie just wanted to see Liam sweat it out a little bit.

"I was just so annoyed that I hadn't been selected when I had been working my ass off all week. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He was ashamed. Ashamed of how he had acted and ashamed of how he had treated the one person who had been by his side through absolutely everything.

"Apology accepted." Mollie smiled brightly at her older cousin and embraced him tightly in a hug, glad that they had made up. Whenever they had any sort of disagreement, it wasn't long before they made up again.

The two cousins said their goodbyes and Mollie made her way out the door and towards Celtic Park where she would be for the most part of the day.

The air was cool, the transition between summer and autumn already in full swing. The atmosphere in the streets of Glasgow was both nervy and rowdy. Some fans of both Celtic and Rangers were nervous for the game, knowing that the result was one that could either make or break either club's season. Then, there were the rowdy fans. The ones who couldn't wait for the match and to back their team until the very end. It made Mollie nervous. As a Hibs fan, she was brought up to dislike both teams and both sets of fans and with it being one of the biggest derbies in Scottish football, she knew exactly how dangerous it could be.

The blonde girl made her way through the turnstiles, the bit that gave her the most amount of anxiety, regardless of which ground it was due to the tight space and loud noises. She looked down at her ticket, the one that Kieran had gotten for her and searched for her seat. She had only been to Celtic Park once or twice to support her cousins and she had never appreciated just how big it actually was. Something about it scared her. She preferred the comfort of Easter Road and being surrounded by her own fans but she came to support Kieran and that was exactly what she was going to do.

Before the game started, Mollie felt her phone vibrate and when she read the message that she had received from Kieran, she smiled fondly at it but she didn't have too long because before she knew it, the game had kicked off.

The game started off slowly, neither team really having a chance to put the ball into the back of the net. Half time had been and gone and yet, the game was still at a stalemate, neither team being able to find that last all-important ball.

The eighty-minute mark had approached quicker than expected and both sets of fans were getting anxious. Both sets of teams needed the three points in the Glasgow derby. It wasn't until the ball landed at Moussa Dembele's feet that the deadlock was broken and Rangers only had a small amount of time to get the game back under control.

The full-time whistle blew and as Mollie tried to leave the crowded stadium, she found herself being pushed in every direction. She started to become disorientated and she became short of breath. She was dizzy and inhaling sharp, short breaths.

"Mollie!" She heard a voice call out although she was unsure of who it was and where it was coming from. She reached out and found a wall, sliding down it so that she was sitting on the floor of the stadium and could focus on her breathing.

"Mollie, it's me, Kieran. Focus on my voice and your breathing." Kieran kneeled down in front of the blonde girl. He had found her when she didn't meet him in the car park like she was supposed to and used her Snapchat to track her location.

When his advice didn't work, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. It wasn't the most romantic first kiss but neither one of them minded for it had concluded Mollie's panic attack.

"How did you do that?" The blonde girl questioned as soon as he had pulled away from her.

"I read somewhere that holding your breath stops a panic attack and that's exactly what you did when I kissed you." He gave her a soft smile and Molle could only appreciate Kieran for what he did for her. She knew that although she had repaid the favour today, she now had another one to pay for.

Chapter Written: 15th October 2017
Chapter Edited: 8th November 2020
Chapter Published: 8th November 2020

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

a/n: hello hello! here's the third chapter! i could have sworn that i had published more but anyway. i want to get this going a bit better so that the christmas chapters that 14 year old me wrote in june pretty much get published around christmas. fingers crossed that i can keep going with it!

are you looking forward to christmas if you celebrate it? what are your usual traditions? and if you don't celebrate, how do you spend the 25th of december?
- normally my gran comes round in the morning for breakfast if she isn't having chrsitmas dinner with us but i'm not sure what's going to be happening this year with coronavirus.

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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