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The air was crisp and the blue sky was littered with plush white clouds. For once in Hell's Kitchen, it didn't feel like you were going to melt when you walked outside. Scarlett and Olivia decided to take up the opportunity to enjoy this nice day. After the two women drop off Jack at Karate practice, they both decide to walk around the nearest park.

"Why did this Frank guy all the sudden run out?" Scarlett shrugs, looking at the environment around her. They weren't the only people trying to enjoy this nice day. There were other walkers, some runners. There was a couple sitting on a bench, laughing and talking to one another. There were children running around laughing. It was a good day to be out in Hell's Kitchen. "I honestly don't know. It's like he got spooked by something." Olivia furrowed her brow. "Spooked by what though?" Again, Scarlett shrugs. "Not sure. He did it right after I set the book down."

"Book?" Olivia glance over at the blue-eyed women. "Yeah, Jacks favorite." Olivia made an 'O' shape with her mouth. "Oh, right. One batch, Two batch. He still likes that old, raggedy thing?"

"Hey! Don't hate on that book!" Scarlett said in mock offense, lightly punching her in the shoulder. They both laugh wholeheartedly as they contained their walk. "So, whats Matt up too? Haven't seen him since I got back into town." Scarlett's happy mood immediately shifted and Olivia notices it. "I don't know, haven't talked to him." Olivia also notices the change in Scarlett's tone.

"Is something going on between you two?" Olivia knew the answer already. It didn't take a behavior analyst to know this, even if that's what she is. "He just," Scarlett sighs, searching for the right words. "Infuriates me." Scarlett finally says, running a hand through her messy hair. "When hasn't he?" Olivia smiled even though Scarlett didn't find it very amusing. "What did Matt-ster do this time to piss you off?" This is the question Scarlett didn't have an answer to. Well, she did, but she couldn't say what the real problem is. Olivia doesn't know that her baby brother runs around in a mask with horns and punches bad guys.

"He gets on bad cases. Dangerous ones. Ones he doesn't have to take but he does anyway because he feels like he needs to." Olivia nods. "Ah. Well, not a lot of people would take the cases he does. And the people in those cases, need someone like Matt. There's not a lot of lawyers like him." Scarlett could agree.

"I know, but he doesn't think about his family. He doesn't think about if something goes south if a client gets pissed about a verdict, that could kill him. Matt could die every day that he goes out to play hero and it scares me to death."

At this moment both women are stopped in their place in front of each other. "Well, maybe he is thinking about his family. Maybe he just wants to make sure all the bad people in this city are put away so it can be safer for you and Jack." Scarlett moved her eyes down. Olivia was right. Of course, she was right, but Scarlett still wanted to fight Matt on his activities that he does at night. Scarlett knew that she couldn't change his mind, but she didn't want to stop trying.

"Yeah, I guess so." Scarlett shrugs and starts walking again, a silence falls over the pair. "Hey," Olivia starts, catching Scarlett's attention. "Would you like to see my apartment? It's only a few blocks away from here." Scarlett checks her watch and she still had a few hours until she had to get Jack."Sure, why not."Olivia offers her arm to Scarlett making her smile and link her arm with hers.

. . .

The elevator opens and Olivia leads Scarlett down the hall. For a moment Scarlett thought her apartment would be the door at the very end of the hall but it was the last door to the right. Olivia stopped and to pull out her keys out of her purse. The door at the very end opened and a familiar blonde waltz out, shutting the door behind her.

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