Getting Drunk

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"So, the great and all powerful Akura-ou, why did you save me and brought me here?"

I asked with my still slightly cracking voice from all the crying and screaming. It was slowly getting better, and to be honest, this morning i was happy if Akura-ou actually understood what i was saying with my voice.

"Why would you want to know?"

The demon asked, but somehow his tone turned from childish into more serious one. Even if he wanted to look as if it was nothing of importance, the seriousness in his tone was saying something different.

"Well, i want to know why the strongest demon in this world would save a mere human and let them stay in his castle, taking care of them and even tending to their injuries..."

I pointed my index finger on the injury i got the other day wack in the village by one of the demons. It was still hurting, but surely not so much as before. It was also bandaged carefully yet firmly and by the fact that there was no blood on the bandages or on the rest of my arm that remained without any injuries i could tell that someone took proper care of the injury.

"I was just bored."

Akura-ou stated, resting his hand on the palm of his head and looking at a nearby wall, avoiding looking at me. 'Yeah, if i would be bored i wound go out and visit new places or just do something fun and not save someone's life when that person kept you in jail and you knew him or her only for the shortest time.'


I was spending the whole day in the garden, watching the cherry Sakura tree blossoms fall and play with the ones that flew my way, landing on the grass near me. During the day i was approached by some lower rank demons, who were bringing me food, changing the bandages or just came to check up on me. Therefore, i didn't see Akura-ou nor Tomoe the whole time. Not like i really mind that, since i didn't feel like talking to them anytime soon. If i would talk, my voice would crack again and my throat is sore from yesterday's screaming.

"Miss Akane, Lord Akura-ou would like to have a drink with you."

One of the female servants went up to me. 'Well, there goes my plan on not talking to him today...' I stood up and let the demon woman lead the way to a spacious room near the room which was given to me. After stepping inside the room, the woman left me and Akura-ou alone in there. I went up to him, and sat across from him, looking around the room. The first thing that caught my attention were two bottles of sake and two cups.

"SO, how are you feeling?"

Akura-ou asked, filling one of the cups and handing it to me. I took it from his hand and after that, he filled his own cup, drinking from it. I myself took a sip. Never did i really drink sake, only once before and it was only because i was curious about it's taste so father let me have a little, but only so little that i couldn't really tell the taste. That was the first and last time i ever had any sake. 'Maybe i should tell him that i don't drink?' I debated with myself, looking down at the cup before taking another sip.

"You know, never had i drank sake with anyone before and i don't feel like changing that."

I put the cup on a table that was separating me and Akura-ou.

"You know, sake is the quickest way of forgetting the bad things... I just thought you would want to forget for a bit. Also, you will feel much better, you know?"

He took the cup and put it back to my lips, making me drink everything that was left inside it, and refilling it along with his. After that one cup it went on and on till i was starting to feel a little drunk, but i didn't want to tell him.

"Why did you stop again?"

"Because i feel much better now so i don't think i need any more."

I said, laying on my back and closing my eyes, letting out a soft sigh before turning so that i am laying on my side, turned to the demon i am drinking with. The demon chuckled as if finding something amusing and then leaned to me, laying as well.

"Drunk already, are we?!"


"You sure about that? Then if you are not drunk, you can still have more sake,right?"

I indeed was already drunk, but not much and also i wouldn't want to tell him so i just took the refilled cup and drank more, looking back at Akura-ou and sticking out my tongue at him.


After that the two of us were joined by Tomoe himself, and we drank together some more. Of course Akura-ou was pretty much enjoying the fack he got me drunk so easily and also he thought my actions when my mind is infected by sake are pretty amusing.

"The last bottle just got empty..."

Tomoe stated, pouring the last sake into his cup and bringing in to his lips before gulping it down as if it was nothing.

"So, what now brother?"

Akura-ou asked, looking up at Tomoe who took his pipe out and started thinking.

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