Chap 18 "Tae"

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"Wake up Y/N."

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jungkook all ready in his suit for work.


"Boss called and he wants us there now."

I got up from bed and quickly wash up.

I didn't have time to tell the guys a good morning because Jungkook was pulling me to hurry up.
We got in his car and he drove.
It's the not the same car that I got in but a Range Rover like the guys but newer.
We arrived and he opened my door and he rushed me up in the elevator.

"Why are we in the hurry?"

"Because you have to make a delivery and I won't accept that." He said angrily.

The elevator doors opened
People looked at us as he rushed me to the boss office. Jungkook banged hard on the door.
I stared at people as they whispered to each other. I turned red from it.
The boss opened the door and Jungkook rushed in.

"There's no fucking way she is going to make a delivery all ready," he said angrily at him.

"Leave her alone Jungkook she wants too-"

"She ain't going to pass-yong club . I don't accept this," he said.

The boss got up
He is angry now.

"I'm the boss here-"

"Let me work with her then. It's either than then-"

"Oh great. More the better! You will be responsible of her and if she make a mistake then it's on you also," he said laughing.

"Fine but we are not going to that club. Any other place but that."

"Look, you aren't the boss of me. She is going to that place to make a delivery like it or not. You can come if you want but she will go. They are giving me big bucks and I won't disappoint them one bit."

Jungkook took his hands off of his desk and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What time?"

"5pm. Here-" he said as he reach in his pocket.

"You need this ID to get in. Say it's a delivery from Boss 506. They won't ask any more questions because they know who you talking about."

Jungkook snatches the ID from him and he grabbed me and we left.

"Jungkook what's wrong?"

He didn't said a word and we got to his office and he closed the door.

"Look. We will have to a delivery but....FUCK!" He said yelling.

He covered his face with his hands.
He looks tired but mostly frustrated.


"This is a club that isn't for people like you. We will do the delivery fast and leave."

"Your scaring me Jungkook-"

"I need you guys to come with me."

We both turned to face the boss.
We both looked at each other and we got up and followed him to the elevator.
He put in a key and he turned it and all of the sudden, this button with the number "17" appeared and he pressed it.
The elevator quickly raised up and I hanged on Jungkook to get balance. I felt my heart beating too fast. I'm scared sooooo dame scared for me and Jungkook.
The doors opened and what I saw gave me goosebumps.

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