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1. Peel-remove shell
2. Chop-to cut into small pieces
3. Deep fry-is to put more oil in a pot and fry
4. Tender-soft
5. Mixture-putting the ingredient together in a bowl
6. Greased-to put butter or fat in the baking tin
7. Baking tin-tins used to bake cakes
8. Pinch-little
9.slice-cut into one inch width
10. Dice-cut in cubes
11. Flavoring and seasoning-putting of spices
12. Measuring-to know the quantity
13. Sieve-to drain water
14. Coat-cover meat, fish with flour
15. Portion- number of people or parts
16. Garnish-to decorate
17. Lid-cover
18. Shred-to slice first, then cut into thin strips
19. Stirring- continue turning slowly
20. Flowerets-divide cauliflower into flower into pieces.

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