Chapter 18

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Andrew's POV
We woke up then started too get ready to go back too school. We checked out then Akko stepped out and A bunch of fanboys surrounded Akko asking her to sign something then she kept giving numbers and signatures and then I kinda got a bad feeling so I pulled her from the crowd then hop on the Bus pulling her behind me then I took a seat and pulled her down. She gave me a evil grin and I asked her if something was wrong. I see someone is getting jealous she said expanding her grin. I did no such thing and then she responded with a long OKAY then after a while she fell asleep then I looked out the window and listened to some music then it was time for our stop then I woke up Akko then soon we had to travel there by a broom I wasn't so sure because Akko just learned how too ride one.
Akko's POV
We got off the bus then Andrew was a little unsure about riding my broom. It's fine don't be such a party pooper hop on. He hops on then I start flying and saying Here We Go then after a while we were at the school it was almost time for the boys to go back to there own then Lotte came grabbing me leaving Andrew then she put a het and sunglasses on me then pulled me somewhere weird WAIT WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE DRAGGING ME TODAY I mean this makes this twice then she stops and we are in a huge tent and it seems they made a inappropriate video game of me then one of the boys yell LOOK ITS AKKO then Lotte and I run as we are chased and then on the way we grab Andrew then he starts running too then I cast a spell and then we were soon in our room then Lotte went out of the room laughing at what just happened I lay on my bed then out of no where a little letter came in front of Andrew and I.

  Hi we will like to inform you that the boys from Appleton Academy will be staying at our premisses for 5 more years you will still be assigned to the same partner have a good day bye .

From Professor Ursula

Andrew's POV
     I read the letter and looked at Akko just laying there like nothing happened then I asked her if she minded the note. I don't think it will be different for us we will end up living together unless you don't want to marry me Akko said. I hopped on her bed and hugged her then she looked at me confused of why I did that.
Akko's POV
     Oh Andrew all the others want to meet at the library to hear about what we did I hope there hopes aren't to big it's not like we can tell them and if you do I'll have to erase your memory of me then he nodded in agreement. Then we started to head to the library then we seen all of them sitting down at a big table then Andrew and I sat down.
Lotte's POV
     So Andrew how was you stay at Akko's. It was ok her parents are nice they didn't really have a guess room though Andrew said. Where did you sleep ? I asked that and he look nervous then everyone said oooohh . Did you sleep in .......... AKKO'S ROOM he turned a bright red so did Akko then the librarian said HUSH.
Akko POV
     I passed out the invites for the engagement party then told them not to open them till I say because it wasn't confirmed with Andrew's dad then I seen a newspaper and the Truth came out I had a shocked 😳 expression on my face then Andrew looked at it then he looked at me in shock.
Andrew's POV
     Your the-the-the on, I said pointing at Akko then he grabbed I leaving everyone else. Your parents are the Mystery mikes . Why didn't you tell me.
Akko's POV
Well what am I supposed to say Hi Andrew my family is the mystery mikes it just means that my dad got discovered let's go back before they wonder what we are talking about. We return to our friends playing truth or dare with a bottle. Hey can we play then they nod yes as we sit down then Lucy spinned the bottle and it landed on Andrew.
Lucy's POV
    Truth or dare Andrew. Dare Andrew said. Ohhh I have something for you while I take out a bottle. Drink this and Akko tell me what happens to him.Then Andrew drinks the bottle almost jugging it down.
Akko's POV
     WHY WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM Bang 💥 Andrew fell asleep then woke up after that we head too the dorm. We went in the room and I sat him on his bed I told him too stay there as I will get something to help me find out with him .when I came back I didn't see him but then I seen him pop out of nowhere and pinned me against the wall and he said something that sent chills down my spine and it wasn't a good feeling. Hi little bunny care too play Andrew said watching Akko turn too a tomato. No you need some sleep and I need to find out what happened too you. Awww way too take out all the fun I love you my little bunny Andrew said with a smirk as he knew the last words would rile me up.Then he went too sleep in the wrong bed so I just slept in his then I seen Andrew realized he was in my bed and went too his bed rapping his arm around me and soon I fell asleep.

Sorry I haven't been updating I've been a little sick I'll try too update some more Just too let you know I will soon be doing a Jelsa (Jake x Elas) ship one of my friends suggested it and I thought it would be interesting Bye hoped you enjoyed this chapter as I did writing it And this is the most words I've read ever 1055 words.

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