Engagement Party gone wrong

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Andrew's POV
Tomorrow is the engagement party I'm soooo nervous I can barely hold my excitement and it turns my dad love Akko for some reason well I guess it's because hummmmm mabe because SHE IS ONE OF THE MYSTERY MIKES but it's ok I love her for her. I'm just too excited for this I hope she loves me like I do too her. I was thinking we can go on a cruise for our honeymoon and I could make it more private if we use my yacht and go too my private island and spend about a month there then I guess it's set now I need too actually set it all up now. FINALLY I GET TOO MARRY THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS AND TOO ADD MY FATHER AGREES after all he planed all of this.
MAJOR TIME SKIP to engagement party

It's time for the engagement party Akko and I are going to we're a couples outfit due too my father what happened that I missed I'm confused here but I guess it's ok at this point I feel like I could burst out screaming the waiting for my outfit then they finally came in. And I seen both of the  outfits and they did match.

Akko's POVI was really excited for this engagement party the dress was from when Andrew got stung by a Cupid bee but now I think her really loves me and I love him

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Akko's POV
I was really excited for this engagement party the dress was from when Andrew got stung by a Cupid bee but now I think her really loves me and I love him. I think my f**cked up life is over to start a beautiful one and one day it will turn into a beautiful blooming flower. I will try to be the best for Andrew and do my best but after Andrew and I's engagement part will be Kotoko and Irie's wedding I can't wait. They are soo cute together and Kotoko finally thawed his frozen heart I hear jack and Elsa are also getting married and coming back to this old town. Ahhhhhhh finally everything is right. Oh oh it's time for the party. Andrew and I walk in and start to welcome guests and say hello then he went to talk to his father while I stayed with Lotte, Frank, and there parents because they were getting to know each other.

Time skip to where Andrew is going to prepare to ask her to marry him but he felt the first ring didn't go with her so he bought another back to le story.
Andrew's POV
I was walking up the stage and when I got there I called everyone's Attention and told Akko to come on stage when she did I got on one knee but the someone burst through the door and I knew who it was my ex Samantha I broke it off with her but she didn't agree then she said the thing that made me mad. DON'T TELL ME UR MARRYING THAT RAT ANDREW POO MARRY ME Samantha said. SHE'S NOT A RAT LIKE SAMANTHA AND I WOULD NEVER MARRY YOU I LOVE AKKO!!!!!!!then she came on stage and tried to punch Akko this girl has some nerve but I blocked the punch by holding her fist and then punched her because she made the third treat so by the law I wouldn't get arrested and she would then I called for security when they took her things got awkward Akko was standing there so there's no time to waste I got on my knee and said.......................................................

Sorry for the major cliffhanger I am working on it and will publish more but I'm going through some hard times but will be fine soon sorry for short chap bye 😜

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