Akko's Mad

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Andrew's POV
I woke up and my head hurt like someone was banging a hammer on it geese what happened last thing I remember I was in the library . Akko looks so cute I just want to hug her too death but I have too respect her space.
I need to figure out how too stop the disaster from happening I mean if she found out she would be terrified of me I mean if I could only know how she would react to  it then I could have it easy. I have too warn her but she will not stand down.
Akko's POV
I woke up too Andrew laying there and had a confused look on how face. Andrew......Andrew.......ANDREW!!!
Andrew's POV
I was thinking then I herd Akko scream my name then I got out of my mini trance. What the heck I'm right here you know. I know but I want too escape this trap she said pointing at my hands that are wrapped around her. Oh sorry I said letting go then she started to get ready and looked pretty mad I wonder what happened. Hey Akko What's up. The firkin sky now get out of cloud nine and follow me were are paying Lucy a quick visit before we go too class she responded. Wow she is really mad she is never like this I better stay out her way before I get my head chopped off.

Sorry  haven't been posting my mom just had a baby and I have a little sister my mom has been at the hospital and I go there a lot again I want too say sorry.

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