03. derry's summer bash

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Music was bumping, the sky was clear, the sun was beating down on Hester's head, and the sound of kids laughing and running and adults chatting quietly rang in Hester's ears.

This was Derry, Maine at its best. The whole community had gathered together to celebrate the fair, which would be continuing, but with different acts on the stage and different food trucks the day after. Hester had been in a scene like it in Castle Rock. Each year, Castle Rock had an annual pie eating contest. One year a kid named(or nicknamed) Lardass Hogan due to his morbid obesity, won the pie eating contest and as revenge for being mocked his whole life, threw up on his competitors and some of the crowd as well. Luckily, that was the year Hester had arranged to stay home for the day instead of go to the contest.

She stood at the entrance, watching marching bands parade past her and people zoom to and fro to get food from stands or meet with friends and family. It sure looked like a fun time, except she felt awkward alone and wished that Ben kid would find her. While scanning the area for him, though staying still in the spot she stood, she felt a warm hand clasp her wrist.

"Hey, you came!" Ben exclaimed, and Hester recognized him immediately.

She didn't respond, her face stoic yet relieved as he pulled her across the grassy field to a bench where some kids were sitting and standing around, conversing with each other. It was... a lot ot kids. The same ones she saw zooming past her house on their bikes everyday under the blazing heat of the sun.

She took note of each of them. There was a black kid with skin slightly darker than her's, with shiny white teeth and a puffy hairdo, who was wearing a charming grin. Next there was a pale white girl with freckles speckling her cheeks like a starry night, her short cut curly hair a bright orange color reminiscent oft the sun's rays on this hot afternoon. She had rosey cheeks and she too wore a dazzling smile. In fact, all these kids were smiling, except for one, small, puny kid, who held an inhaler in his hands and a frown on his face. Then there was a kid with glasses too big for his face, that made his eyes look big and wide like a bug, who was smirking at the kid with the inhaler.

And lastly, there were two boys who were staring at her. One had curly hair and dimples, the other had flat hair that swept across his face like Ben's, except he was lanky and taller. He caught Hester's attention, meanwhile she sort of disregarded the one with curly hair who was staring at her with a desirous look in his eyes.

"Guys, guys, this is- I forgot," Ben frowned and looked up at her- she too was taller than him, just like the rest of the group.

"Hester," she mustered a small smile, looking down at the ground to restrict the sun from getting in her eyes.

"Hester," curly head whispered.

"Hi!" exclaimed the lanky, tall kid who had been staring at her.

He pushed out his hand and shook her's eagerly. Hester smiled at his enthusiasm, happy to meet someone who seemed excited to meet her for once. She wasn't an off putting person, but she wasn't especially friendly and her personality was mostly dry, so people were typically very neutral when they first met her. And then they just... didn't talk to her.

She shook his hand and smiled genuinely,


Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the ginger girl make a face and sort of flinch like she was bothered by their exchange. She brushed it off though, and kept on smiling, so as not to scare anyone off.

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