The life of a pilot

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It was December 9 2006. I had just started clone pilot training. It was the worst week of my life. Our simulators were graphic and scary, but I passed along side of three other clones. My name is Frost and I'm a Clone trooper pilot for the clone wars. I was bread in a laboratory on a planet called Kamino. All clones are bread from a bounty hunter named Jango Fett and we age twice as fast as normal humans do.

"Let's go grunts," yelled our first Sargent. He loved to yell but he trained us to be pilots. Two other clones were from my unit so I knew them well. "YES SIR," Striker yelled back. He was always following orders, like a good soldier does. "Im ready to go on our fourth mission," said Wolf. Wolf was the youngest out of my unit but he knew what he was doing. We all stepped onto the flight deck. " You have 20 minutes to fight the enemy aircraft and extract," yelled the first Sargent. We climbed into the one seater D11 fighter jet. " There is enough room in here for a dog," grumbled Wolf. " Then stop barking and take off," I replied. The engines wooshed when we flicked them on. We put our pilot helmets on and blinked twice fast in the top right corner. This opened a screen and showed us what the enemy aircraft was and it also showed friendlies up to certain distance. Wolf was the first to take off then striker then me and then the other 3 pilots who were in our group. " 8 bogys bearing 071 at a hundred and 67 knots," Striker said. "Roger that we're on your right side a little high. You're in the lead," one of the other pilots said. " we have barely come back intact. Let's do our best because I don't want to be sent into cleanup crew," I replied. We broke into attack formation and reduced speed. I could hear the nervous breathing of the other pilots on the com in our helmets. It was six clones against 8 battle droids. The odds were with us until I heard. " Holy crap now bringing up 11 aircraft on radar not 8," Striker said nervously. The enemy came Into our viewfinders and then suddenly they broke off. With our training we also broke off and went after the aircraft. It was day time so the glare was making it very hard to identify the enemy from the friendlies. " Wolf you're on me. Cover my rear while I go after the bogy," I said. " copy," He replied. " banking left banking left. Watch out watch out!! He's gonna fire! Break right and induce speed," was yelled over the coms by all pilots. " AHHHHH," Screamed 2 pilots as we saw their jets blow up. " no.... They took them down.." one pilot said but I wasn't clear who. " Stay focused. We were trained for this. Stay on my tail and follow my smoke," I calmly said over the com. I activated my smoke trail out of my engines. My breathing calmed down and I set my visor to night mode to help reduced the glare. There were 7 enemy aircraft left and we knew that was 7 to many. I switched my target locker on for my missile. " Lock up baby... lock up.. I got tone and I have good tone I'm taken the shot," I exclaimed as the missile exploded on target. I heard machine gun rounds flying around my cockpit and I turned as the rounds hit my right engine. " You're hit in the right engine frost" said striker. " I'm shutting it down I'm shutting it down," I said as I shut my engine down. I heard the explosion of an engine and I saw an enemy crashing into land. " hey frost look behind you," Wolf chuckled. I looked behind me and i saw the remaining enemy aircraft retreating. " Hola command ship this is Frost. Remaining bogys are bugging out," Copy that pilot 1942. return to base," I hated how some clones called us by our numbers and not our names. Our names are numbers but we adopt names our unit gives us. We banked left and headed back to the command ship and landed. We got out of our jets and headed to the de-shock room. This is suppose to help pilots go from being in the air to walking on the ground. " How do you think the Sarg is gonna respond to our mission?" Asked Striker. Wolf and I shrugged and leaned back in our chairs waiting for the session to be over with. We stepped out of the de-shock room and the Sarge immediately started yelling at us. " YOU HALF WITTED SKULL BUSTING PIECE OF SLIME MAGGOTS!! YOU LOST TWO MEN AND DIDN'T DESTROY HALF OF THE ENEMY!"

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