Episode List

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Episode 1: The world is in a big pinch! PreCure have to fight again!

The world is a peaceful place since the Doki Doki PreCure defeated King Jikochuu and the Selfish trio. But one day, they get attacked by a Jikochuu! What?! Seems like the Doki Doki PreCure will have to fight for their world again!

Episode 2: They're back?! Regina's shocking announcement!

When the Doki Doki PreCure just defeated the Jikochuu, Regina comes up with the news that there are old friends that arrived lately. They have to make a long trip in order to meet them. Will the PreCure be able to do it?

Episode 3: What?! The reunion isn't that doki doki!

When the girls finally come at their destination, they get attacked again. This isn't the same as last time, since they got Regina hostage!

Episode 4: Aguri is in a big pinch! Cure Ace is gone!

When everyone decided on what to do, they get attacked by a general this time. When Aguri transformed, someone suddenly teleported in front of Ai, grabbed Aguri's transform item, and broke it! The PreCure will have to survive without Cure Ace!

Episode 5: Finally back! How will they live?

When the PreCure turn their attention to the selfish trio, they tell them they need a place to live. The PreCure offer multiple houses, but that didn't work out. In the end, Rikka offers taking 1 person in, and Mana the other 2.

Episode 6: Mom, welcome back! I have something to tell you!

While Rikka tries to live with Ira, things don't work out the way she want. When she loses it and demands Ira to work with her, the door opens, revealing her mother. How will she explain this to her? And what other big surprise awaits her?

Episode 7: It doesn't work out! They have to go!

While back at Mana, she took in Bel (still a mouse) and Marmou. Bel is easily treated, but Marmou isn't that happy with the room she has. She demands a bigger room, more food, better make-up and so on! Mana's parents have enough of it!

Episode 8: Come back Cure Ace! We'll collect the crystals!

When everything is settled, Aguri is still depressed with the fact she can't transform into Cure Ace. She tried transforming with Ai again, but she only created her Love Eyes Palette without the crystals. It looks like the PreCure have to fix it!

Episode 9: Where do we begin? A clue about the crystals!

When the PreCure were together, trying to figure out where to find the crystals, they end up without any clue at all. When everyone went home, Rikka opened her father's letter, that he sends weekly. He wrote that he was in China, and that he saw a weird blue crystal in the grass. He says in the letter that the crystal reminds him of Rikka, for some reason. So, in order to share the beauty of the crystal, he made a picture of it and put it in the letter. And guess what? It's one of the Royal Crystals!

Episode 10: The Royal Crystal! Let's go to China!

When Rikka told everyone the news, Sebastian said that the Yotsuba Corporation can transport everyone to China. Rikka is very excited with the fact that she can see her father working. The selfish trio and Aguri said that they will stay here for any attacks of the mysterious enemy, and finding any clues about Regina's whereabouts.

Episode 11: Welcome to China! The quiz for the first Crystal!

Arrived in China, Rikka's father welcomes them and shows them around. When he brings them to the place he stored the Crystal, it's gone! Instead, in a small town nearby, they find a banner that said the Crystal could be won in an intelligence contest! Rikka has to do her best to win it!

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