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This is basically after the fight with Proto-Jikochuu. Since this book is supposed to be a sequel, I should write it just like the other sequels. Thus, everything that happened after the Proto-Jikochuu was defeated, doesn't happen.

"Love love LOOOOOVVVEEE" Proto-Jikochuu yells, while being detransformed into a small furball.

"Well, would you look at that? Bel is a little mouse. Hey, Ira. Care to have a new pet?" Marmou and Ira teleport away with Bel, and Mana detransforms. She turns to her family and friends, a bright smile on her face.

"Mana!!" Regina yelled, while tackling her to the ground.
Everyone joins them, while Regina is still hugging Mana. When she lets go, Mana looks at Makoto. She has the mirror in her hand. The mirror shines, a bright light coming out of it. The projection of the Princess comes forth, presenting herself in front of everyone.

"Everyone... thank you so much for saving my father. I know it took a lot of you to do so, and it paid a huge price, but thank you for returning the peace to both our homes." The Princess looks at Makoto.
"Cure Sword... I know I put you through much, sending you to this world on your own. But I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for you staying loyal to me, and trying to save me." With that, tears started to appear in Makoto's eyes.
"But now, I have bad news... as you all know that Regina, Aguri and Ai are all a part of me. But now that they are living a life on their own, I can't return back to my original form." Now, Makoto started to cry. Tears flowing down her cheeks, while holding her arms. She couldn't believe that her search was for nothing.
"You can't leave me here! Why did you sacrifice yourself for me? I could have fought Bel off, and you would be safe! This isn't fair!"
"Cure Sword... you must understand that I had to, because I wanted to save you. If Bel followed us to this world, he would have killed us off and attack this world. Then King Jikochuu would win." With that, Makoto stopped talking.
"But there is more... the fairies, Sharuru, Raquel, Lance, Dabyi, and Ai, they must return to the Trump Kingdom. They are bonded to the Kingdom, and Ai has to rise and grow up, so she can have a normal life in her Kingdom. Aguri and Regina, however, stay here, since they are bonded to this world, and live the life they want." There was a short pause after she finished, but she continued again.
"The entrance King Jikochuu and Regina made to come here, will be sealed, in the hope that this world won't have to suffer a tragedy like this again. The magic will be gone here, but... when we are in danger again, we should rely on you girls, to save us once again. Farewell, everyone, as my spirit will be gone soon. Stay safe." With that, the Princess faded away.

The scar that Regina and King Jikochuu made, started to light up, as well as the residents of the Kingdom, the King, Johnathan, the fairies and Ai. With their last energy on Earth, the fairies hugged their respective partners, while saying farewell, before turning into small light orbs, flying to the scar. Once the last orb went through it, the scar started to shrink, healing itself, until there was nothing left of it.

"Let's go, everyone." Mana said, while walking towards the park. The Doki Doki PreCure and Regina followed her. They all sat down on a bench, enjoying the sunset.
"So... what should we do now? Since our job is done..." Rikka thought.
"Well, we should continue our studies, of course. We should make it, even though we don't have any super powers." Alice calmly answered. Even though she smiled, she still grieved over the loss of her friends.
"But... what can I do?" Aguri whispered.

With that, Mana stood up, determined to clear all this negativity away.
"Why are you all talking so negative? Don't you guys know there is much more to life than study? We have a whole life in front of us! Do you want to throw it away by staying in one place and just study? No! We have a world we can explore, a world WE saved. So, who wants to see our world?" Mana held her hand out. Regina stood up, immediately placing her hand on hers.
"Where Mana is going, I'm going!"
Rikka also stood up, placing her hand on Regina's.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a break and enjoy ourselves."
Alice stood up, placing her hand on Rikka's.
"You're right. There is more to life than studying and working."
Aguri stood up, placing her hand on Alice's.
"I... guess I would join you guys... just so you won't cause any trouble!"
Everyone looked at Makoto, who was still hesitating. She looked at her friends, reading all kind of emotions on them. Support. Trust. Loyalty. But also worry. Frustration. Someone that cares about her. She stood up, still hesitating, but finally put her hand on her friend's.
"It's time to learn more of this world. Let's go, girls." With that, Makoto held their hands, and pulled them in a group hug.


"Are you done now? We can't stay any longer here!" Marmou yelled at Ira. He was sitting on one of the roofs, looking at his former-enemies.
Maybe it's best if I leave her... I only cause trouble for them. They want to go, so I have to go too.
"Yeah... I'm coming." Ira said, standing up. He looked at the group of girls again, specifically at a blue haired girl, and then went after Marmou and Bel, teleporting away from this world.

Not gonna lie... I'm going to miss her...

To be continued...


Ohayo minna! Thank you for reading the prologue! As an inspiration of the other endings, which open a sequel, I wrote it just like it! Also, I tried to make Mana more likable, by making the pep-talk and claiming that they all defeated King/Proto-Jikochuu. And I tried to develop Makoto more, by letting her past in the Kingdom go, and focus on the present and her friends.

Putting all of that aside, I want to say sorry for taking so long. I don't think many people know, but I have another book, which I'm more focused on. It will be quite rare when I work on this, since the chapters have to be long, and worth it to actually be a season.

Last but not least, thank you so much for reading this, and I'll see you next chapter!
(That's not even a good sentence now...)

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