Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm goes off. Serena groans and slaps the snooze button, then rolls out of bed. She walks to the upstairs bathroom and it's locked.

“Caleb hurry up i need the bathroom.” she bangs on the door.

“Give me a minuet gosh.” he replies.

“Fine” serena goes back to her room to get her clothes. It is the beginning of winter in Lakeview Kentucky. She grabs one of her sweat outfits out of her closet and goes to the bathroom which is now empty.

Downstairs serena sits at the table with her parents.

“So we have found a house in Florida will be moving after christmas break.” mom says.

Mom and dad have been looking for a house in Florida because dad has found better work there. So now that they have found a house we will move as soon as the holidays are over. When we move i will have to enroll in public school at the sparks high there. I've been home schooled since sixth grade.

I tried to put up a good argument about how the people wouldn't treat me right because i was from Kentucky. They still didn't break. Mom is going to have a part time job there so i would have been at home alone anyway. Guess i just better make my last few weeks here fun.

“Come on caleb i need to get you to school.” i said. Being home schooled had its upsides, but also down sides like i didn't meet many people so i had only one friend my neighbor aleah

Aleah was a good friend but she was one of those party girls. She was always trying to get me to go to parties and meet some guys. I always said no because it wasn't my thing it was hers.

Later that evening aleah came over. I told her how i will be moving soon and that i will be going to school there. And of course her reaction is “hey maybe you will finally meet a cute guy to date”

“Ha yeah right i will be the weird girl from Kentucky.” Serena fell on her bed.

“Ok get up lazy” she hits me with my pillow.

“Oww that hurt why did u do that.” serena said

“Cuz you were being lazy.” aleah said

“Now get dressed.” aleah threw a bag of clothes at me and turned around.

The bag contained leggings and a sweater dress that was red and black.

“Why this?” serena asked.

“Because we are going ice skating.” aleah said.

I put on the outfit she gave me. It was surprisingly warm. After i got dressed i went with her to the skating rink. When we got there the place was decorated the went all out. Snowflakes hung from the ceiling, the staff was dressed in elf costumes, and christmas music was playing.

When i got my shoes on me and aleah went to skate.

“See isn't this fun serena?” aleah asked

“Yeah sure if i liked falling on my butt a lot.” which i did by the time i got home by butt was bruised, and it hurt to sit.

“Now you can't say i didn't do anything with you.” aleah said.

“Okay, okay fine thank you for doing this i needed it” serena said.

“I know you did i mean i have lived next to you for six years.” Aleah said.

“I'm just glad my mom moved my curfew to twelve if she hadn't i would have been in big trouble when i got home.” i told aleah.

“So guess what happened today.” aleah asked.

“What” i said.

“I finally asked Dean out and he said yes” aleah said excitedly.

“See i told you aleah you have to take your life into your own hands and not let others control you.” i told her again.

“I know and thank you for that serena. I just am so happy i'm gonna scream.” i threw my purple throw pillow at her and it muffled her scream.

“So when is he taking you out?” i asked.

“Next friday we are going to the country diner down the road from the mall.” she said.

“But i don't know what to wear the white tight dress or the black?” she asked serena.

“Wear the white it brings out the blue in your eyes.” i said.

“Okay thanks serena well i have to get home i got school in the morning.” aleah said and gathered the stuff she brought over.

“Okay i will see you tomorrow then.” i said as she left.

I put some pajamas on and crawled into bed then fell fast asleep.

The weeks passed by pretty fast. Christmas had come and gone. We had a normal christmas with family. Aleah and Dean were doing pretty great together. Soon i was already packing up to leave for Florida. I wasn't ready to leave because i was leaving aleah behind, but i don't like the cold and if i live somewhere where it is always warm i am happy to live there.

It was a long seventeen hour trip to florida. Our house was a nice little house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I took the one downstairs bedroom and bath.

Once we got all the boxes inside i started unpacking. I didn't think i had this much stuff. I put my purple bed set on first so i could get through it first. Then i unpacked the stuff for my shelf. I had figurines of mermaid sea shells all thinks like that from the ocean.

When i was little my gran would let me stay a month with her here in Florida. I loved the beach so did she. She would tell me all kinds of stories about mermaids and fairies. And some about merfairies.

I always had a passion for fairies and mermaids. All because of my gran. Now that she is gone i can't stand to be on a beach it was her home. Once i got everything unpacked i realised that the grey room looked gloomy.

So i hung up some of my mermaid posters. And my room looked a lot better. I had a window and that was cool i guess. I went to bed early because the next morning was my first day of school.

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