Technicolor Beat

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Song: Oh Wonder - Technicolor Beat

Imagine a world, where love is essential. You can only live if somebody loves you...
At least that's what everybody thought. Because for Sean McLoughlin, it isn't.
He was an orphan. He didn't have any friends. Nobody thought he would be able to survive. But he did.

Sean's POV

Black and White. The way I've seen the world for 18 years.
I had just started college. I didn't have any roommates in the dorm, and I was happy with that.
I was walking towards the main building. The first class was algebra.
I've always found enjoyment in maths. Mainly because it was logical, unlike the rest of the world.

I was lost in my thoughts but then... I looked up.
I saw a girl. She was standing in front of the building, talking to other people.
But she wasn't just a girl.

She had colours.

She was a bright, colourful spot in a black and white universe.
I didn't recognise the colours. I've never seen them before.

Her friends started heading inside. She crouched down to tie her shoelaces. Her books were under her arm. As she stood up they fell down.
-Oh crap!

I instinctively ran there and started helping her.
-Here you go.
I gave her the math book.
-Thanks! I'm Signe, by the way.
She held her hand out.

-I'm Sean.
As I shook hands with her, time seemed to slow down. Her colours started spreading out and the whole world became colourful. We both seemed frozen. She pulled her hand away after a while.
-It was nice to meet you. See you later!
She smiled, then ran inside.

-It was nice to meet you too...

Signe's POV

I finally caught up with my friends, Amy and Marzia.
-You won't believe what just happened to me!
Marzia laughed.
-Why? What happened?
-A guy, who was black and white came up to me, and when we held hands I saw his actual colours.

Amy seemed surprised.
-Black 'n White guy talked to you? AND you saw his colours?
-Yeah. He seemed nice.
-Nobody has ever seen him talking to someone. Nobody loves him. That's why he's black and white.
-But how can he survive without love? Nobody knows.

Marzia seemed more excited about the fact that I saw what he actually looked like.
-What colour is he? Like hair and eyes... Does he have a nice voice?
-Well... He has brown hair and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. He doesn't really have a soft, deep voice, like you'd expect someone who's black and white to have. But he does have a nice voice.
-Ooh! Is he cute?
-I guess... I only saw him for a few seconds.

Amy, being the most responsible out of the three of us, just rolled her eyes.
-We have to get going. We don't want to be late!

Later in the day

He was standing alone. I was about to run up to him and start a conversation, when I saw something unusual. His right hand had colours! Was that because that's where I had touched him?
-Amy? Marzia? Do you see this?
-See what?
They said at the same time.
-Y'know, the black and white guy.
-Oh, what's up with him?
-His right hand has colours!

They looked at him.
Amy spoke first.
-Umm... I might be blind, but I can't see it.
-No... I can't see it either.
Marzia added.

-Gosh! Maybe if we walked closer you'd see it.
Amy looked at me with an expression I've never seen on her face.
-Are you just looking for a reason to talk to him?
-No! Well yes, but his hand does have colours!
-Why do you want to talk to him? Did you fall in love with him the cliche, "love at first sight" way?
-Well what if I did!

Wait... What if I really did?

-And... And you know what? I'll tell him now!

Why did I say that?! What's wrong with me?!

I started walking towards Sean. I saw a couple people staring at me, probably because I had been shouting.

-Oh, hi uh... Signe, right?

I smiled at him, but I heard someone shout something.
-Hey! Why would you want to talk to Black 'n White guy?

I just rolled my eyes and thought of an insult I'd tell that guy if I had enough courage.
-Doesn't it bother you that they call you that?
-Nah, I've heard it too many times. I just wonder how they found out I see in black and white.
-Wait... You see in black and white?
-Yeah, why else would they call me that?
-Sean... You are black and white!
-What do you mean?
-It's like... You... Nobody can see your colours. Just black and white...

He seemed shocked. More and more people started staring at us.
-Except... I saw them when we shook hands.
His mood changed in a fraction of a second.
He said excitedly.
-Y... Yeah.
-Actually... I don't see everything in black and white. But I can only see... Your colours. And... I could see everything in colours when our hands touched!

My heart started beating faster.
-Sean... Can I... Try something?
-Yeah... What do you...

I cut him off by connecting our lips. He seemed surprised at first, but when I saw him close his eyes a moment later, so I closed them as well. I wanted time to stop so we could stay like that forever.

3rd person POV

Some people gasped, some just stared in shock. But not only because they were kissing. Everyone started to see Sean's colours. It started at his lips, but soon it spread out to his whole body. When all of his colours were visible, a bright light blinded everybody. When the light was gone and everyone opened their eyes, they saw something that made them feel warmer inside.

Sean and Signe were moving in a technicolour beat.

(I just created a paradox by not finishing the first chapter first :O)
QOTD: What's your favourite colour? Mine is blue.

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