Chapter 5: The second message

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Holly lays on her bed facing the ceiling. She clutches her pillow to her chest, thinking about what all has happened today. Her first day and all it's events are still fresh in her mind. After she had walked in to her first class after Andrew left, it wasn't so bad. She had made her way to the teacher to let him know she was new and in that class. The teacher, Mr. Mills, handed her the class book. Holly could tell it deffanetly wasn't a new one.

Mr. Mills instructed her just to keep up with the class from where they are in the book now. AFter handing her a list of things she will need for the class, he told her she could sit anywhere there was an open seat. Holly thanked him and scaned the room quickly for an empty spot. She carefully scuried down a row of seats, avoiding a few bags on the floor in her way, to a vacent one in the back.

She let out a breath when she made it to the chair with out falling. She could feel people watching her when she was walking down the row, them watching and waiting to see if she would fall. Holly sat her new old book and note book on the desk. She sunk down in to her chair and started fidling with the loss hard cover of the class book. The edges weren't pointed anymore they were so worn down the edges were curved and the color of the binding had come off. It was a peice of crap Holly thought. She noticed some of the pages in side of it were damaged, who knows, maybe some were even missing by the looks of it.

With out lifting her head her eyes glanced up to the right and notice a girl sitting a few seats up and one over. Holly looked over the girls book seeing it was in a lot better condition then her's. Holly looked back to her desk, her fingers still twisting the loss threds of the book. 

"Don't worry its not so bad having an older book." The voice scared Holly making her head jerk towards the voice. It was the guy sitting next to her to her left. He had chestnut brown hair that was a little shaggy, but not to long either. His eyes were a light brown that in the right light almost looked crimsion. His bangs just barly reach his eyebrows. 

As Holly just looked at him, the guy smiled a wide smile noticeing she was really taking her time looking at him. Holly's cheeks began to burn at the realization she had been cought looking at him to long, but his smile was breath taking as well. 

"Don't worry about it. You can look at me all you want. I won't tell" He winked at Holly at the last part. Her eyes widened and she felt her face burning even hotter. She looked down at her books not wanting to embarress herself any more. Holly could hear chuckling coming from her left but she didn't dare look. "I'm sorry I didn't mean anything bad by that." The boy said, still chuckling to himself. "I just thought you l;ooked cute when you blush."

Holly looked at the boy like he was out of his mind, but he just smiled at her reaction. 

"Whatever." Holly mumbled, turning back to her tattered excuse of a book.

"But like I was saying. It's not so bad having an old book. Some times there's answers writen on pages, so you don't even have to do any work. It comes in handy some times, like if the teacher asks you something it could be writen on that page. Or if you need a quick study for a test if you forget to actually study for it." He smirks.

"Sounds like you have experience with that." Holly doesn't look at him when she says her reply, thinking he will get her bitchyness and leave her alone, but she surprised that she hears a little laughter. She looks at him and ses him smirking.

"Actually, Ya, I do." He laughs. He extends his hand towards her. She just stairs at it like it's something she has never seen before. "I'm Calab." Holly decides it's better then making enimes the first day. She grabs Calab's hand with her and they shake.

"Holly." She tells him. 

"Well, welcome to our school Holly." They let go of eachother's hands.

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