Chapter Five-Crisis(2)

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WARNING ⚠ : This chapter contains a lot of cursing and verbal/emotional abuse. So if you are triggered by such things then I advise you skip this chapter

            You have been warned !


    "Dr.Burke Shepherd look at me,take a good look at me do I look fine to you?
Am not ready to be a mum, I just am not ready for this stage yet. A baby is going to tie me down so please, I know you are a good doctor and that's why I specifically want you to do this for me. Please abort this goddamned pregnancy,am.running out of time.PLEASE!!" Sydney said to Dr. Burke who stared at her in disbelief

      " I cannot terminate your pregnancy Sydney and even if I must,i need your husband's consent!!! I just can't, am sorry " Dr. Burke replied

  " Well then, I "ll get it done else where " Sydney said and walked out of his office

      " WAIT!!!! SYDNEY, SYD....  " Dr.Burke called after her but she never turned back.

      That same week, Sydney got the abortion done by a different doctor and took just a few days to recuperate.With nothing standing in her way, Sydney secured the contract and got every financial benefit and public recognition from it. Everything was working on fine now as she and Carl gradually rebuilt their relationship, till he found it.


    It was barely a month since the whole incident, Carl was looking for an important document he had kept months ago.He searched his closet, drawers, home office but still couldn't find it then he went to Sydney's personal room to look for it,he searched everywhere but still couldn't find it.

He had ransanked her purse closet in search of his documents and was arranging the bags after he didn't them, when Sydney's Hermes Himalaya Birkin bag fell down with all it contents scattered on the floor 

      " Shit ! Sydney would literally kill me if anything happened to this bag " Carl thought aloud as he bent to put back the contents.

  He was putting the contents back, mostly paperwork when he saw a pink bag tagged Private Memories. Carl smiled thinking it was their pictures together years back and opened it, the first picture he saw drained the life out of him as all his veins suddenly popped out,

                 It was a foetal scan

  Carl filled with rage, poured out the contents of the bag and discovered more medical scans, different tests,drug prescriptions and even the two pregnancy test kits Sydney had used,he picked up a paper with words boldly written Legal Consent for Termination of Pregnancy, he read the entire paper line by line word for word and then stopped at Sydney's signature.

Carl's body shaked as he fumed with anger and hot tears flowed down his cheeks. He stood up and pushed down all of Sydney's designer bags before waking out of the closet with the papers.

            Sydney came back from work that evening unaware of all that happened.She walked into the room and greeted Carl who was sitting on an Arm chair thrice but he didn't respond. She hissed as she ignored his rude behavior and started removing her jewelries she was about to remove her gown when she looked at the bed and saw the paper scattered on it.
  One look at the bed and she recognized the pink bag. Sydney's heart skipped a beat and it seemed like the whole world had come to a standstill.

        God!  I should have disposed those documents.

   She looked at Carl who had clenched his fists and was now glaring at her.She walked up to him shakily

        "Carl I can explain, it's not what you think.This is a complicated issue but it's not really what it looks like" Sydney said in a whisper
Carl stood up and walked to Sydney

    " You can explain!!!!! Right!!! Go and and fucking explain to me, you shameless whore!!!EXPLAIN !!!!!! " Carl Yelled and threw the papers at her, Sydney took a step back from him
  " You had an abortion, you freaking removed my child ,our child Sydney!!!!!!"He yelled at Sydney who was already in tears.
   " What's the tears for huh!!! Shedding crocodile tears, you fucking removed my baby without telling me anything, our seed of love, you discarded it!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!!!??? YOU ARE NOT DUMB NOW ARE YOU!!!! " Carl moved to Sydney and held her shoulders before shaking her

   "Carl baby, I did it for us.We weren't ready for a baby.Am so sorry,i really wanted to tell you"Sydney replied in tears

   " Are you even listening to yourself!! We weren't ready for a baby!!! God, Sydney speak for yourself !!!! "
   " What is your sorry going to do huh!! Will it bring back my baby that I never got the chance to meet!! Will it!!!! GOD DAMMIT,ANSWER ME!!!!! "

        "Am so sorry Carl, I really am " Sydney cried out

  " WHY DID YOU DO IT!! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT!! " Carl asked as he moved back
"The Boujubee Contract Carl, it was important to me.I was having complications so I had to choose between the contract and the pregnancy, look baby we can always have more kids yeah but this contract was a once in a lifetime opportunity " Sydney confessed

Carl walked away from Sydney, his face filled with disgust

       " Who really are you??!! I don't know who this woman standing in front of me is!!! "
" You removed no no you murdered our baby because of money!!!!! Damn you Sydney!! Damn your stupid contract !! Damn this charade of a marriage!!! I curse the day i met you!!! I can't even look at you Sydney, you disgust me. You are nothing but a sordid butch! A mean and heartless nincompoop " Carl cussed

   Sydney glared at Carl her patience wearing out

    "Oh please Carl !!! Spare me your rubbish you sanctimonious bastard. Why are you even making a mountain out of a mould. If you were in my shoes you would have done the exact same thing. All this argument for one baby,wait did I say baby who are we even deceiving, it's not even a baby but a damn foetus !!!!!!" Sydney fired back

    Carl clenched his fist and was about to hit Sydney when he stopped and shaked his head

  " You are not worth it, am not going to waste my time on a murderer like you Hell no!! I "ll leave you to your conscience, fucking whore " Carl said and moved to the bathroom

   " A murderer ??? Seriously, me a murderer. Am sick of this worthless marriage too, you are just a piece of shit,a sack of pricks and I want out!!! " Sydney yelled

Carl dashed out of the bathroom and turned to Sydney

   " Great bitch!!! Fucking great!! I don't fucking care soooooo Let us get a fucking divorce and get over this stupid marriage.I have always wanted out, since the first year and you need to fucking get a ducking life. Money fueled whore " Carl said and walked out not waiting for a reply from Sydney

    Sydney slumped to the floor in shock

" I HATE YOU CARL !!!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU AND I CURSE THE DAY I MET YOU ASSHOLE! " Sydney yelled from the room not minding that the helps in the house would hear her

       " THE FEELING IS MUTUAL BITCH!! " Carl yelled back from the hallway

    Sydney screamed and started throwing away all the breakable stuffs in the room while screaming in tears

             They were both done with the marriage.


                Thanks for reading!

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