CH 14 | Here We Go

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I dropped everyone off. I needed a cigarette.

I got one from my jacket and lit it up. I was leaning on my car.

My phone rang.

" What Up ? " I said. Letting a low breeze of smoke in the air.

"They got Jason" it was Josh.

I dropped my cigarette.

"Where are you ?"

"At his house they just left when he answered the door they toke him"

"I'm on my way"

I got in my car and drove over to Jason's house where Josh was.

I arrived at the front. Josh was sitting on the steps looking worried.

I put the window down. "Get in"

He ran over and got in the car. I drove but didn't expect to go anywhere.

It was silent.

My phone rang.

"Hello ?"

"Why hello darling , how is going ?"

I put it on speaker.

"Where's Jason ?"

"He's just in a chair tied up. But hey he's still breathing"

"What do you want?" I ask impatient.

"I want your dad, need a talk with him"

"Why didn't you just call him instead of taking someone I love ?"

"Wanted to have fun , plus you and your dad won't come without something in return , like father like daughter am I right ?"

"Where the hell are you for crying out loud"

"That's the part you figure out darling"

"Will as you know I'll always have an answer"

"Darling , the answer will always be in your hands"he said confidently .

"Thanks for the tip"

"Will here's another , it will rain and when it does the clock will struck "

I stopped the car. Looked at the clock on my radio. It's 11:34. Shit.

"Hahaha Bye Darling" He hung up.

Josh stared at me. I could feel his eyes glaring at me.

I kept looking straight. "Hold on"

I stepped on the pedal. I drove to my dad. I started calling him.

He answered "hello ?"

"Dad they got Jason and he wants to talk to you."


"That's the question of the night"I said.

"I'm on my way to your place , be outside by then"

"Okay" he said.

I hung up.

Jason says worried "what's going on?"

"Where getting Jason " I stopped the car once we arrived at my dads.

My dad got in the car. I got out to the trunk and got guns.

"And where going to have fun doing it " I say as I throw him a gun.

"Ready boys ?"

"Ready" says my father

"Josh ?"

He looks at the gun then at me "ready"

Will here we go I say to myself. Here we go.



Okay sorry for the short chapter but the next one is going to be LONG! (Don't think wrong 😂)

But yeah ilysm comment if you need anything !


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