"Don't worry," said Squiff, with a smile. The tree was quite a tall one, and the kite was a long way up, but that wasn't a problem for a big squishy space-blob like Squiff. Stretching two long, thin arms out of his body, he reached up and gave the kite a good, hard tug. It came free, but so did the old bird's nest that it had been stuck in, which fell with a plop, right onto Squiff's head.
He gave the kite back to the happy little blob, who thanked him politely, but also gave Squiff a funny look. Feeling glad that he had been able to help, Squiff set off again.
Squiff and the Birthday Surprise
Cerita PendekSquiff is a squishy space-blob from the planet Blerg, and he's off to a birthday party. But getting there might just prove to be more interesting than he expected. Although primarily intended for kids aged 8 and under, this is picture-book can be r...