Study Buddy/Peter Parker*

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A/N: Hi! This is my first imagine so please bear with me. It probs won't be very good but I'm hoping to get better with time! Hopefully you can watch me grow and any positive feedback/constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! I made up most of the names. Pretty sure the only one not made up is Peter Parker haha. 

Please note that this is smut so if you do not like that, feel free to click off (I will not be offended). Anyways that's all from me, so enjoy! 


As I hear the ring of the school bell, I sit quietly in my seat next to my best friend Rebecca. It's the last period of the day and my least favorite class, chemistry. I have never ever been good at math or science, and because chemistry is a mix of both, I've basically been screwed. 

"Good afternoon class," my teacher Mr. Ryland greets us. "First, let's get started by passing out your previous tests. Some of you did very well, some not so much." He walked around the class, passing back tests. 

"Congrats to Mr. Parker for getting the highest score in the class!" Mr. Ryland exclaims, talking about Peter Parker. Basically the smartest kid in the entire school and one of the cutest. 

"Nerd," Scott Wyler mocks, and almost everyone in the class laughs. Scott is the quarterback; a huge jock and a huge douchebag. 

I wish I could talk to him, but I'm too shy to talk to boys. I've never even kissed a boy. I shake myself out of my own thoughts as Mr. Ryland hands back mine and Rebecca's tests.

"76%, alright!" Rebecca cheers. "I think that's the highest score I've gotten in this class. What'd you get?" I flip my test over and sigh in defeat, a 58%.

"My mom is going to kill me!" I groan. 

"Alright class, today we are going to start the next chapter." Mr. Ryland states, handing us a worksheet. "Please complete this worksheet, all of the answers can be found in your textbook." Everyone starts chatting and talking, mostly about what they plan to do over the weekend. 

"You need a tutor." Rebecca says. "What about Peter?" She nudges me and winks.

"I wish," I sighed. "I can't even talk to him."

"Hey Peter!" Rebecca calls out and he looks up from his textbook. 

"Rebecca!" I exclaim. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you out," she whispers. "Peter, could you come here for a sec?" He walks over to our desk; he's so cute with his funny science shirts and wavy brown locks. 

"Hi Rebecca, hi (y/n)." Peter greets us. 

"So, my friend here did not do so well on the last test," Rebecca informs him. I shoot him a small smile. 

"Oh yikes, that's rough, I'm sorry." Peter sympathizes. 

"I'm just not good at this stuff, ya know?" I ask. 

"You got the highest grade in the class, maybe you could tutor (y/n) say... tonight around 8?" Rebecca asks. 

"Becca, he's probably busy, it's a Friday night!" I remind her.

"Actually, I have nothing going on tonight." Peter replies shyly as he starts to blush. "And my Aunt May will be out tonight, so maybe you could come to my place?" 

"She will be there!" Rebecca answers for me. I roll my eyes as she starts scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Here's her phone number, text her your address."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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