Chapter 6

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Reluctantly, Charlie got Hermione on a broom and led her to some cliffs. There were giant rock formations and Charlie landed on one of them, waiting for Hermione. When she landed they put down their brooms and the Dragon Keeper smiled and waved her along.

He pulled her behind a large boulder and peaked over the edge with a huge smile. "Those are Swedish Short-Snouts. We only have one breeding pair." He told her as they looked on at the dragons with huge horns on the top of their heads.

"Your theory in your writing is they choose lifelong mates?" She asked him and he nodded as he watched the dragons tend to their eggs, blowing bellows of fire on them.

"We are lucky to have a pair, it is nice to see they have three eggs in this season's clutch." He declared and smiled at her.

"Char-" he interrupted her with a kiss and moved to go get his broom.

"Come on, more to see," he told her and she sighed heavily.

Hermione followed suit and they flew down and passed the valley a bit to a large group of dragons. Instead of landing behind a rock or tree, Charlie landed right near them. Des and Tatiana were out there throwing rabbits at the small ones. Hermione landed with a thump near Charlie who smiled and waved her over.

"Alright, come here, fellas," Charlie declared and the dragons perked their heads their way.

It was like a herd of scaly dogs coming to greet their master. The smaller ones, by smaller meaning ones the size of great danes, jumped and fluttered their wings at him. They turned and smelled the terrified witch who was not certain what to do.

"Just give them a little bow, they will take to you quickly," Charlie told her and Hermione nodded nervously.

She gave them a bow and spread her hands behind her. Swiftly she started hearing melodic sounds and the dragons were tilting their heads to the air. One of them got courageous and stood in front of her, tilting its head.

"Oh, he wants to play, give him a bit of a song," Charlie chuckled and Hermione snorted.

"I don't sing well, Charles," she retorted and he shrugged.

Hermione sighed heavily and sang a few notes. The dragon looked thrilled as he fluttered his wings out and danced in a circle. He did it again, but this time he sang the same notes back at her and she giggled, twirling in a circle. The dragons behind him twirled in a circle and sang the same notes.

"Aren't you all so very cute," she giggled and they tilted their heads at her. "and very friendly."

One of the larger dragons came up and growled at the smaller ones. "Rolig! She isn't going to play with you, randy bugger!" Charlie shouted and jumped in front of Hermione.

Charlie bared his teeth at the dragon. "go on, leave her alone until she gets used to us," he spat and the dragon tossed its head and snorted. "Oi! Go," the Dragon Keeper growled and the dragon turned around and walked off to the girls on the other side of the field. "Now he is going to tattle on me." Charlie chuckled and Hermione frowned at him.

Hermione watched as the big dragon flopped down in front of the female Dragon Keepers and they patted him and giggled. "He is..." Hermione trailed off and Charlie groaned.

"He is a dragon who thinks he is a human. A big flirt with the ladies." He turned to her and had a grin on his face.

The smaller dragons continued to get closer and Hermione reached out for one of them. It pressed into her like a cat would and she wasn't prepared, falling into Charlie. He chuckled and gazed down at her. "What do you think so far?" He asked and she smiled at him.

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