The Reveal

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 " Izanagi" yu had just summoned his persona although it was more from instinct rather than any thought out plan. Even he was surprised it had worked and the girl in red was even more shocked at what she was seeing but the surprise didn't last long as they were being shot at by an orange haired man with a cane that also seemed to function as a gun, Luckily izanagi was more than capable of deflecting his attacks except for what he did next, throwing a red crystal above the red and dark haired girls head and shooting it in mid air caused a mass explosion that yu wasn't expecting . thankfully when he looked he saw the girl was unharmed as a blond haired woman with emerald colored eyes holding what seemed like a riding crop had managed to save her. the persona user noticed how the red haired girl was looking rather amazed at her savior , yu figured she must have been one of the hunters akechi spoke of .  yu approached the two of them while the woman shot what looked like purple lasers at the ship causing it the shake wildly. yu then saw a woman covered in the shadows of the ships entrance hurl a large fire ball at them the blond haired woman in front of him managed to block it with some kind of glyphs. yu commanded izanagi to throw a bolt of electricity at the ship to counter attack "Zionga" although it hit it wasn't enough to ground it and the aircraft began its retreat. 

Akira- It looks like we were a bit late to the part ha. Minato- It seems so. Akechi - It does look as if well be able to summon our personas though that will surly be helpful. 

Yu turned to see his new team mates make there way on to the roof top just in time to witness his final attack .  

Ruby stood there staring at yu in amazement she had never seen or heard of any one being able to do any thing like what he did. she then looked to the other boys who arrived on the scene." Ohh I wonder if they can do that summon thing to if there his friends?"  The blond woman however gave them all a rather stern look " Hm the five of you are coming with me. Ruby looked scared and the others looked rather worried them selves but they thought them selves in no real position to argue considering what had happened. 

The five then found them selves sitting in a dark room with only a small lamp hanging from the ceiling  In front of them stood a large flat table. 

Akira - Feels like dejavu.. hu  akechi.  Yes quit ... though id rather not dwell on it to much thank you." said akechi with a bit of a regretful expression." The young woman from earlier was looking at them with a stern expression Holding a holographic blue tablet that showed a recording of Yu and Rubys fight with the thieves. " I hope you all realize your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, you put your selves and others in great danger.

At this ruby's expression fell even lower  at the woman's remark. She then attempted to defend her self with a " They started it" The woman's expression deepened " If it were up to me ....You would all be sent home" Her expression became a bit kinder as she spoke with a lighter tone." With a pat on the back ...." she suddenly cracked her crop on the table startling all of them. " and a slap on the wrist . ... However there is some one who would like to meet you all. With that a older man entered the room holding a plate of what looked like cookies, He slowly set the plate on the table and addressed the young girl in red.  " Ruby Rose .. you have silver eyes.

Ruby was a bit taken back by the comment as the mans yellow eyes scanned over her. As she began to feel rather awkward. 

So " the man looked at the recording of the fight that had transpired earlier " where exactly did you learn how to do this . " He said looking over the recording, particularly when Izanagi was on screen. 

Ruby began to mutter a reply S..Signal Academy. 

Yu- From an alternate dimension. " which earned him confused looks from every one but the other persona wielders.  

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