Chapter 7

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Zac at the top


I sighed as i sat at my desk. Its starting to become frustrating not finding my mate. I feel like im never going to find her. Im 24 and i actually did wait for my mate but its like i might not ever get one.

Lillian walked into my office smiling. And i forced a smile.

My dad said that if i didnt find my mate by the end of the year i would have to marry and mate with Lillian and make her my Luna.

Something i didnt want at all. I mean she is a sweet girl and a strong warrior the strongest she wolf we have. And she would be a good Luna but not for my pack.

I want my mate to be the Luna of the pack.

"Hi Zac". She walked over to me.

I moved back from my desk and stood up. I gave Lillian a side hug. I think she wanted a full hug but i just felt weird

"Whats up Lillian".

"Uh your dad wanted me to talk about the wedding". She said playing with her nails.

I sighed and sat right back in my chair. "Lillian i dont want to talk about the wedding not right now. I still have the end of the year".

"Thats about a month and a few days". She said now biting her nails nervously.

"Yes i understand that but i still have time alright".

She nodded. "O-Okay well ill see you for training later".

"Yeah i will see you soon".

She gave me a tiny smile and walked out of the office closing the door behind her.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair.


I woke up at around 10 im trying to wake up early but i like sleeping in.

I ended up taking a quick shower and then brushed my teeth. And yes i put my hair in a ponytail. I never really wear my hair in a ponytail.

I walked downstairs and Sage and Alexis were in the living room. But the tv was on sprout. That kid tv channel.

Alexis she was sitting on the floor with her stuffed elephant. I knew she like that.

"Good morning all". I said

Alexis gasped and got off the floor and ran over to me and hugged me.

"Well good morning". I said laughing a little.

"Good morning Gallery". Sage said.

I went over and sat on the couch and Alexis sat on my lap.

"I thought your parents were coming today"? I said to Sage.

She groaned and sat up on the couch. "Yeah they are. Got stuck in traffic. They should have been here an hour ago".

I nodded.

"Good morning ladies". My sister said walking into the living room with Trent behind her.

"Morning". Sage and I said.

Alexis just waved and Gabby came over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning princess". Gabby said to Alexis.

"So Trent did my sister ask you to help us tonight"? I asked looking up at him.

"Oh i forgot we got a little....busy".

Oh gross TMI TMI. I dont need to know about the sex.

"Awww you guys did the mating process". Sage said.

"Yeah and more". Trent said pulling Gabby by the waist and kissed her cheek.

"Um gross". I said feeling sick.

Gabby laughed. "You will be okay Gabby. Trust me when you find your mate you will be just like me". My sister said sticking her tongue out at me.

And i stuck my out right back at her.

"But what am i helping you guys with"? Trent asked.

"Well we need your truck for our mission tonight". Sage said.

"Wait i get to help you guys tonight on a "mission". Because i think im going to scream like a girl".

"Oh gosh". I said rolling my eyes.

Gabby just laughed at her mate acting crazy.

"Yes we need it cause there is about 10 kids we need to return home". Sage said.

"Oh yeah i will help you guys out. I get to see the Killer Wolves in action".

I put Alexis on the couch and she crawled onto Sage's lap.

"Uh actually you will be in the car". I said to him.

"But what if you guys need help".

"We never needed help before". I told him

"Please i promise to stay out of the way i will help get the kids to the truck safely". Trent begged.

"Okay fine but if you have to kill the question is would you wuss out". I told him folding my arms.

"I'll be with him making sure he is okay". Gabby said patting his chest.

"Okay we leave at 11pm". I told him.

"This is going to be fun". Trent said smiling like a kid in the candy store.








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