Chapter 2: Bail

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"Terry? No I'd rather stay in here then go with him" I say to her, then she starts laughing.

"Just come on Lia." she says trying not to laugh as I walk out.

Me and Tanisha used to be good friends, but we don't talk anymore because she works now.

"What do you want Terry?" I ask, kind of yelling at him, walking towards him.

"Wow, your welcome then" Terry says back.. Is he kidding? Or trying to piss me off? "Just come with me Lia, I'll tell you in the car".

"Whatever, lets go hoe" I say walking past him.

"So what do you want Terry?" I say getting into the car

"To apologize" he says. Wait what!?

"For what?" I ask him looking a little confused but not even completely confused.

"For everything I did, with our relationship, well past relationship, with how it ended, with how I did you" he says to me, he does look serious but what if this is a joke? "I just want to be friends"

Me and Terry used to go out, and no he didn't do anything like cheat or abuse me or something. 

"Okay Terry, can I go home now?" I ask. 

"Yea Lia" He says sighing.

The next few minutes go by quietly, I guess he's thinking or something. 

"Bye, Lia you can call me if you need me though" He says to me as I get out. 


"Hello?" I say yawning, it's past 11 p.m., but here Terry is calling me. 

Yes, I know it's not that late, but I'm tired, and him calling me is interrupting my sleep.

"Lia?" He says, this is still not sleep..

"What Terry?" I say getting aggravated, I'm tired.

"Are you home?" He asked, no its late at night and my voice sounds like I've been sleeping, and I'm yawning and half asleep for fun.

"Yes Terry, why?" I say, can he get to the point already?

"Can I come over? I-I need to talk to you" He says, slightly stuttering. Great no more sleep. 

"Sure I guess, how long u gon' be?" I ask, hopefully not long.

"I'll be there in a few" He says to me, hanging up, no bye or thanks or nothing, wow.

*About 20 minutes later*

"Hey Terry" I say opening the door letting him inside.

"Hey Lia" He says slowly, then walking inside.

"What do you want?" I say, probably coming off rude.

"Well, hey to you too" He says laughing.

"For real Terry" I say getting serious.

"You know how you living alone now?" He says, is he serious?

"Yes, why though?" I say talking, well I guess I'm waking up, because the sarcasm is coming out.

"I wanted to talk to you about moving in" He says to me, wait what!? What the entire hell!??

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