Chapter 1: Exorcizamus te

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I ONLY OWN JENNIFER (she's kinda based off of me and my friend, so, I mean...)

Chapter 1: Exorcizamus te
Carry On Wayward Son- Kansas
Some Nights- Fun


Jennifer Hart didn't wake up in her hammock. She didn't wake up at six in the morning, either. She didn't even wake up inside. She was lying on something hard and slightly bumpy. And cold. When she opened her eyes and looked around, Jennifer saw red. Red plastic. She was lying on her back, and above her Jen saw stars. She rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up with a grunt. In front of her was a green plastic slide, the kind that had a small hood-like structure sticking out over the first few inches. She was on a playground. She heard voices, and quickly ducked down behind the red plastic wall on her left.

"What, no Colt?" a snarky female voice asked. Jennifer's eyes widened. The voice, and the words, were eerily familiar. "Wait. You don't even have it anymore? Hilarious," the voice continued. Then the noises started.

Grunts, hits, the sound of a fight. Jennifer noticed a small space between the plastic and the red metal pole, and peeked out. The seventeen-year-old gasped quietly. She was seeing a fight from Supernatural, her favorite TV show. And it was from Season 12, Episode 19, The Future. The episode that, in her opinion, played a critical part in Castiel, her favorite character, dying at the end of the season.

What was happening? This all felt too real, too solid to be a dream. Plus, the colors weren't the reddish-pink that often provided an overlay in Jennifer's dreams. Jen winced as she saw Castiel thrown to the ground by Dagon.

"Look at him. Your angelic defender," she snarked. "You really thought he was gonna save you? This sad, fluttering, aimless little moth?" She reached down and grabbed him by the throat, lifting Jen's favorite angel up and choking him. Jennifer saw Kelly turn, saw the Winchesters pull up in Castiel's truck. She decided that even if this was only a dream, she was going to change the outcome. Jennifer climbed up onto the top of the slide and sat facing Dagon and the sandbox with her legs hanging off.

"Hey!" she shrieked, waving her hands. She saw Sam get out of the truck and aim his gun. "Hey, Dagon, look at me you bitch! Check out this sexy beast over here, fresh from another universe!" Dagon turned towards her, still holding Cas up by his throat. Sam hesitated, staring at Jen as well. "Exorcizamus te! Omnis immundus spiri- ugh!" Jen's cry was cut off as Dagon used her other hand to choke Jen with her invisible demonic force thingy. Out of the corner of her eye, Jennifer could see that the truck had stopped and Dean had gotten out, probably while she was yelling. It was dead silent now, of course. The silence was broken by a gunshot. Dagon fell to the ground, yellow sparks flashing behind her face. The pressure on Jen's throat disappeared, and she coughed and rubbed at it. Castiel got dropped to the ground, wincing as he hit it. Dean lowered the Colt and began moving towards Cas. Jen sighed in relief, then coughed again. Screaming like that wasn't exactly a pleasant experience for her vocal chords, she thought, rubbing her throat, especially not when she got strangled right after.

"Who the hell are you?" Sam asked, keeping a tight hold on his gun. Jennifer kept an eye on that gun. She knew logically that she'd probably be fine, but it wasn't like she'd actually seen a gun in real life before. Or in a dream, for that matter.

"Um... I'm...." she coughed again, "I'm Jennifer? Hart? Uh, um, I'm from a universe where Supernatural is a TV show. Uhhh, I'm, um, almost positive this is a dream? It just feels a lot, um, more real than any dream I've ever had. And, um, it's not tinted red. And most of my dreams are. Sorry, uh, rambling. And saying 'um' a lot. I tend to do that a lot in, um, social situations? Well, situations that I don't feel comfortable in. With, um, adults. Sorry, sorry. Um." Jennifer put her hands over her face, trying futilely to rub her embarrassment away. When she removed them, she saw Dean offering Cas a hand up, and Kelly tentatively moving over to help. "Wait, no!"

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