Chapter 6: I'm Back, Baby!

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Hi, hello, a hundred and one apologies for not updating last week. The joys of makeup work.... *sigh* Anyone see 13x04 though?? I mean, W O W. No spoilers here, but feel free to message me about it because... just... W O W. Anyway, um, enjoy? :)

Jennifer trailed Gabriel down the hallway to the kitchen. She felt a little drained from, you know, having an archangel going through her memories. Music. That would be great right about now. She could use a pick-me-up after all that depressing shit Gabe just dug through (Jen swore like a sailor in the privacy of her own thoughts, so sue her). Oh, and chocolate. Chocolate always brought her a little joy when she was sad. As the fourteen-and-a-half-year-old and the unspeakably old archangel approached the kitchen (and didn't that sound like the start of a bad joke), they heard quiet voices.

"Listen Cas, you gotta death wish or something? 'Cause running off with Kelly, facing up against Dagon... I mean, what the hell, man? And, working with the winged dicks, really?"

"Dean, I- I wasn't lying when I said I needed to come back with a win."

"Cas, you didn't need to come back with a win, you wanted to. All right, and that's not worth getting yourself killed over!" Jen quickened her pace and reached the kitchen doorway a little ahead of Gabriel. Dean was standing with both hands on the table, and Cas was sitting at aforementioned table. They both looked up guiltily when she stepped through the doorway, followed shortly after by Gabriel, who was smirking again. Maybe he thought that the talking-to she would give them would be 'just desserts'. It probably would. Jen couldn't help but feel kind of pissed off. Dean had a point, a good one, but Cas didn't need to go into battle against Lucifer feeling like a failure. That would get him killed. Everyone, including her, needed to stow their crap until after they'd beaten Lucifer. Their issues would be distractions, distractions would be deaths, and deaths... well, would be bad. She advanced on the table.

"Hi guys," Jen crooned in an innocent, sweet voice that was obviously fake, "whatcha doin'?" Cas and Dean both seemed to find that the surface of the table was suddenly quite fascinating. "Oh, um, exactly what I told you not to? That's great, good for you!" She switched from sarcastically sweet to just plain pissed. "Believe it or not, I did have an actual reason for telling you guys not to go delving into that crap just yet. It's called 'we have slightly more important things to worry about, like... I don't know, stopping Satan'. Okay? And yes, Dean, you have a point. And yes, we are definitely going to talk about a whole lot of.... stuff. But we cannot afford to open that can of worms right now! And Dean, you're only mad because you're worried, I get it, but we just..... we'll talk about everything later. You know, after we stop Satan. So yeah. Stow your crap for the time being, okay? Uh, Gabriel, anything to add?"

"Nah, you pretty much covered it, kiddo. Got to say, though, you get pretty scary when you're pissed. I made a good choice, if I say so myself. Here, have a Snickers." He snapped his fingers and a Snickers bar - a full-sized one - appeared in her hand. Jen narrowed her eyes at him, getting the feeling that he was making fun of her a bit, but unwrapped the Snickers and took a bite anyway. Hey, she wasn't going to turn down free candy.

"Wait, Gabriel, can't you just, you know, angel-poof Mom and Sam and Eileen here?" Dean asked suddenly. Jen frowned as she realized that, yeah, couldn't he do that? He seemed to have his Trickster powers still, and if he did that, they'd be able to deal with the issue of the Brits, and Satan, that much quicker. Sadly, she realized that Gabe was shaking his head.

"If I do that, bring three people and two cars here, by sending an archangel's power across half the continent, it'll definitely set off an alarm upstairs, not to mention my brother would notice if I had to extend my power that far," he explained. Dean and looked to Cas for confirmation, and sagged when the angel nodded. It was then that Jen noticed someone was missing.

"Wait, where's Kelly?" she asked urgently.

"Right here, I was in the bathroom. What'd I miss?" Everyone started, except Gabriel, and turned their heads to the doorway where Kelly was standing, a protective hand over her belly.

"Not much," Jennifer replied quickly. She didn't want to bring up The Crap™ right now. "Um, music, anyone? Gabriel and I are taking a break from the feelings-that-are-hopefully-not-to-be, and a pick-me-up might be kinda nice for everyone?" Kelly and Dean both shrugged, and after a quick exchanged glance, the two angels nodded.

"Sure," Gabriel answered for everyone. A mischievous grin spread across his face, and Jen's stomach sank. "It'll be a dance party!" Oh. Well, that wasn't so bad. "And we can't have a dance party without the proper lighting!" And all Jennifer could think of was:

 "And we can't have a dance party without the proper lighting!" And all Jennifer could think of was:

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A/N: Mdjeudjnfhxkwis, I'm so sorry about how short this is, but school. So much schoolwork. Also sorry for how sucky it is (and how it kinda devolved into crack in that last paragraph, I don't even know what that train wreck is). I honestly don't know why anyone is reading this but hey, gift horse. I'll update with another shortish chapter by the end of the week to make up for how short this one is. Thanks so much for reading and being patient with me! :)

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