Chapter 2: Culture Shock

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A/N: yeet

Chapter 2: Culture Shock
Some Nights- Fun
Cheap Thrills- Sia
No Roots- Alice Merton

When Jen awoke, it was to a bright light. For a moment, she was afraid that she was back at home, and everything had been a dream. Then her brain registered her surroundings, and she saw that she was still in the back of the Impala. She shot into a sitting position, looking around. The Impala was in the bunker's garage! It stopped its forward movement as soon as she noticed it, and looking behind her, she saw Sam pulling Cas' truck into the garage behind Baby.

"Come on," Dean's voice interrupted Jennifer's observations. He was looking back at her from the front seat. She nodded, grabbed her duffel, and opened the door. Jennifer couldn't help gaping a bit as she awkwardly got herself and her duffel out of the car. She was actually here. In the bunker. With the Winchesters. She wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry. Her body decided for her, and she let out a strangled noise that was part sob, part laugh, and part gasp. It wasn't a good combination.

Castiel looked at her with some concern, as Jennifer bent almost double, then gave up and lowered herself to her knees. After a few seconds, she managed to inhale and push herself back up. By this time, everyone had exited their vehicles and was looking at her as if she'd grown a second head.

"Sorry, don't mind me," she told them. "Just, um, whoo! This is really real. Yeah. I actually fell into another universe. Wow. Talk about culture shock," she joked. Now the stares were a little more understanding. "Anyhoo. Let's go figure out which table Ketch bugged." She snapped her fingers and swung her arm across her body, pasting an obviously fake grin that felt more like a grimace on her face.

Dean raised an eyebrow. "I can't tell whether that's a smile or not."

"Bitch me neither," Jen said. She made another face. Very maturely. This was very mature face-making.

"Okay, Dean, do this later. Like, after we de-bug the bunker, figure out what to do with this baby, and figure out what to do about the Men of Letters," Sam interrupted Cas. Jennifer winced. There were a lot of problems to deal with. And now that she thought of it, getting rid of the bug might not be the best idea yet.

"Um, actually...." she fidgeted nervously when all eyes turned to her. Yet again. Jennifer was an introvert! Being at the center of attention made her very uncomfortable. At the same time, it was a little exhilarating, but it mostly made her nervous.

"Okay Jen," Dean began. Jen noticed that he'd already given her a nickname of sorts, even though she tended to go by Jen anyway. "Spit it out." Jennifer picked at the ponytailers on her wrist.

"Um, well, I would've told you before, but right next to Heaven, anyone could be listening and all that. Also, I didn't really remember everything that happened at the end of the season, which is kinda where we are right now, this was episode 19, actually, the whole Heaven, Dagon, Kelly abducting Cas stuff. Um, and I reread some of the episode summaries on the way here--" Jennifer rambled nervously.

"Yeah, okay, we're not gonna be mad," Sam promised gently. "We just need you to tell us." Jennifer bristled at the patronizing tone.

"I'm not ten, despite whatever the Cracker Barrel employees think," she spat. "I just, um, it's not good news."

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. It's just, we really need to know," Sam told her.

"Yeah, I get it, yeah. Um, the Brits, they're gonna brainwash your mom. And they're going after Eileen? And some other hunters?" Jennifer shrank a little when she saw the rage on the Winchesters' faces.

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