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"RUN!!", Avery yelled from behind me. I was on the floor confused. I reached for my morphing weapon and switched my sword into an obsidian bow. I stood up and aimed at the giant Jaran chasing after us. I let the arrow go it. It nailed the Jaran right in the chest. I knew that wouldn't stop it, but it would give the others time to get the red teams flag. Avery morphed his weapon into a sword. I did the same. We ran toward the Jaran and started to stab at it. I jumped on its shoulders then to its neck and chopped its head off. Exhausted we sat with our backs toward eachother with weapons raised. Suddenly the room went blue which meant we won. Eveyone went into the main room. Captain congratulated us and he told the red team to work on their strategy. It was April 16, 4217. Every week we have training games where we have to capture the other teams flag while fighting the other team and the creatures in the forest. Avery is my nephew. We were both generals. We trained all the new kids. We were an army trying to take back earth from the creatures that took over. Before the creatures(Jarans) could kill everyone they sent spaceships into space and tried to populate. I've never seen earth, but the elders say its beautiful. In a couple months we will be deployed on earth. Our mission is to kill as many Jarans as possible while trying to place teleport points for other soldiers. Our morph weapons can turn into whatever weapon we need during a fight. They are made of sharp material called Oblin. It could easily cut through a Jarans skin. Jarans where like gigantic  lizards they had horns on their backs, they had six feet, and they had 8 toes on each foot. An average Jaran was about five yards tall, four yards wide, and 8 feet in length. They were fast and ate anything smaller than them. Eah Jaran had 328 teeth and 6 eyes on its head. They have two huge horns on their head. Jarans are scaly and slimy. Me and Avery headed to the sparring chambers. We prepared to spar I had my sword and he had his spear. I took my sword and threw my arm toward his neck. He dodged and thrusted his sword at my face. I moved and it nipped my ear. He watched my ear bleed concerned. I took the change and stabbed at his chest. I stabbed him right in the stomach. He fell and lied there in pain. I grabbed a healing shot from the trainer and stabbed Avery with it. He yelled in pain, but he started to heal. He got up and punched me I'm the arm playfully. The dinner bell went off and we headed to the cafeteria. Avery was my cousin. We were all we had. Our parents disappeared on earth when they were diployed. Their last transmission was a month ago.

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