~7~ Dinner

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Kaycee POV

The six of us managed to make time so we can all go out to dinner together

We were sitting in a big booth with Tati, Julian and Josh on one side and Tahani, me, and Sean on the other

It was mix of fun and business which is natural since we're all in the dance industry

"Did you hear anything about that job?" Julian asked Tati

"No but it's only been a week I should hear back next week if I'll get it or not" Tati said

Tati got an offer to choreograph an dance routine for an episode on a show on Disney channel

After hearing the issue that Julian and Tati had Gabe with some help from Jenna and Will (Simmons) put a recommendation to the recruiter as an apology for causing a problem in their relationship

"I'm sure you'll get it" Julian said as he and Tati shared a smile

It's good to know they are good now and put the Nat drama behind them

"Did you see that new episode on TV last night?" Josh asked presumably Sean

"No I was at the studio teaching so I had to record it" Sean said

"You have to see it, it was so good!" Tahani said

"When did you start watching it?" Julian asked

"Josh showed it to me and I got caught up in two days" Tahani said

"But it's 5 seasons..." Julian mentioned

"So..." Tahani questioned right back

"You have to watch it tonight we talk about this every week" Josh said as since him and Tahani are now moved in things like watching TV together is no longer a Migos thing "Watch it with Kaycee maybe she'll like it"

I look at Sean expectantly and he just shakes his head at me "She wouldn't like it" Sean says as I put my hand on my chest as I am offended

"And why not?!"

"Kaycee you still watch cartoons" Tati said to me as Tahani nods in agreement

"So... what's wrong with cartoons?"

"Nothing except that you're 24 and you can't watch a horror movie still" Tati said

"Well how did you all hear about the TV show?" I asked

"I heard from Julian" Tati said

"I heard from Josh" Tahani said

"I heard from Josh as well" Julian said

"I watched it with Sean, Maddie, and Charlize and they already knew about it" Josh said

"I heard from Maddie she has good taste in shows" Sean said


Lately Sean has been spending time with Maddie more lately which is fine but I don't think she likes me...

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