~8~ Do you love me?

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Tahani POV

DeeDee was driving me back home as we finally finished all the preparation for his project meaning my work was done

"Thanks again Tahani you were a big help" DeeDee said to me

"It was no problem I honestly needed to to find something to do"

"Yeah being with me is way more interesting than watching Netflix all day" he joked

"Shut up!" I laugh as I lightly shove his arm

"Remind me to call you for the next project" DeeDee said to me

"Of course this was a lot of fun!"

"Yeah the family loves you they kept telling me to wife you up!" DeeDee joked again

"Well I hope you said I was taken" I laughed out which quickly died out as I noticed he wasn't laughing "DeeDee why didn't you tell them"

"Because I don't think you and Josh are a good fit" he answered with no hint of a lie in his voice

"Isn't Josh one of your best friends"

"And as his best friend you two don't get along the way we do" DeeDee said

It isn't much longer to the apartment but it seemed time was moving much more slowly since he said that

"Look I want you to be happy and I know that you would be happier with me" DeeDee said

I didn't respond

"The connection we have is real and not manufactured like you and Josh's were, like really five dates to see if you really want to be together or not let alone get engaged" DeeDee continued as I see we pulled up to the building "To me it just sounds like you were both desperate"

I got out the car  as fast as I could

"Wait Tahani!" DeeDee said "Your stuff!"

Oh right I had two boxes that I had brought with me for the project and I needed to put back in the apartment

I hear back over to car to grab one but I was struggling with the other

"Let me get those for you" DeeDee said as he took the two boxes from me and carried them quite easily

We made it up to the door and I was frantically searching for my key which I couldn't find. 😫

I texted Josh and banged on the door in hope he would answer it he texted back saying he was coming to the door"Okay I got to go" DeeDee said as he places the boxes down "Can I at least get a hug goodbye!?"


I gave him a hug which lasted a little longer than I was expecting

We started to break away and without any words he was looking at me with his hand on my chin raising it up slightly

He closed his eyes and started to lean in and my body was moving on its own my arms raised to around his neck and...

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