i got up.

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I got out of bed today. 

Which was the first of all the accomplishments I've made in weeks,

 because even though I miss you the world hasn't stopped. 

Even though you're not here and the world turns endlessly. 

It's not fair


  I need time to grieve,

 to feel

 but I cant,

i cant feel anything. 

I can barely get out of bed without feeling waves of disappointment

 for all I couldn't have done.

 But, I did get out of bed today.

 And that was the first time it felt like it was possible,

 that maybe I could do this.

 That maybe sorrow for the end of your life wouldn't consume me.

 I still miss you,

 ill always miss you. 

But the world never stops turning,

 not even for a moment. 

So I must continue to get up,

I must walk forward,

 and I must celebrate your life.

 For it touched mine,

 and I will not ever forget it.

 I will not ever forget the time we shared together.

 -a poem to the dead from the grieving

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