Today's the big day

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Lady POV

I couldn't ask for anything more on my 17th birthday than to lay my eyes upon Zyhir sitting, tied up, and bruised in a wooden chair in front of me. Uncle L stood behind in the corner offering up my birthday present. L made sure Zhyir had a "meeting" to go to, L made sure several men knew about this "meeting" and most importantly L made sure not to disappoint me and came up empty handed to this "meeting" 

I had on a full black body suit with suede ankle boots red bottoms, my lips where cherry red and my hair was flat. Lets just say.... I dressed to kill tonight. I circled Zhyir's body with butterflies in my stomach. I threw ice cold water on him so he could wake up, I wanted him to feel everything that was coming to him. Zhyir's body shot up from the cold and he made eye contact with me, a confused look came across him black and blue face and I just smirked. 

"Melanie?" He spoke barley audible. 

"Nope sorry, its Lady... Lady Diamond." I said my last name with honor and that's when Zyhir realized what just happened. "That's right, as in King Diamond... The man you murdered along with my mother." I felt heat radiate through my chest. "You thought this wasn't going to come back to you didn't you." I gave a side smile and shook my head. "Hate to break it to you but Karma's a bitch." 

"He got what he deserved." After he said that my hand took no time adding more damage to this man's face turning his head completely to the left side. I think we were both shocked at my strength but ill pat myself on the back later. 

"Look at me." I grabbed his head to face it to me, now we were face to face. "My Poppa ain't deserve to be killed." Looking in the eyes of my parents murder my own eyes couldn't help but water up. "He was a good man, he loved me and my mom and that fake ass wife of yours... He took care of damn near all of New York... No one was ever hungry around my Poppa and you took him away from us.. FROM ME! I grew up without a father or mother because of you. I cried myself to sleep because of you. YOU MADE THIS MONSTER ZYHIR JONHSON!" I dug my pointed nails deeper in to his cheeks until he bled as I held his face. He tried to break from my grip but I just dug deeper until I was satisfied. 

His blood was warm and I couldn't resist standing up and playing with it between my fingers. I looked up at Zhyir who was trying his best to keep his poker face on. "You know how long I waited for this?" 

"Fuck you!" He spat. 

"I bet you do... You killed my Poppa I bet you wanna fuck his daughter?" 

"Your fucking sick." I straddled Zyhir gripping his face again. 

"Am I? Am I really?" I looked him square in the eyes. "I want you to know that you are about to die a painful slow death by the hands of Lady Diamond... A bitch you should have never crossed." I stood up and pulled a blade out my pocket. I then sliced Zyhir on both sides of his face making him resemble the Joker. Boy oh boy were his screams music to my ears. I then took the blade and slowly glided-ed it down from the top of his forehead to the bottom of his chin slicing his face in four. I smiled at my "art work" and nodded over to L to pass me the pneumonia. I opened the bottle holding my breath as I poured it on Zyhir. His screams became louder and so did my joy. Uncle L stood in the corner in complete shock as I worked my birthday gift. 

Thirty minuets into his torture he fell silent, but he want dead... yet. I ripped open his shirt exposing his chest and I picked up yet another plastic bottle, accept this one wasn't pneumonia. I threw the acid on his bare skin and I watched as he got eaten alive, he tried screaming but nothing was left in him. I smiled as I watched my glory before my natural grey eyes. "This is for you Daddy" I spoke softly as Life slipped away from his killer. 

For my final act I walked over to the other side of the room and retrieved my machete, It was time to put an end to this man once and for all. I raised the blade up over my head and swung it hard causing his head to not only cut off but fly before hitting the ground a few feet away. Blood squirted everywhere like a shower. None managed to touch me tho, the only thing bloody was my hands which is exactly what I planned. I watched for a few more moments before Uncle L came and put his arm around me, I couldn't help but start tearing again. L pulled me in and began stroking my hair. 

"Shhh its okay... Its all over now.." He said to me

"I miss him so much." My cry got a bit louder. 

"You and me both kiddo, you and me both." 

Zay POV 

I ran down the stairs when I heard my mother scream like she was dying. When I walked in the kitchen there was L and auntie Shay attempting to hold her up. She was crying no and I thought the worst and when she looked at me I knew. 

"Dad?" I spoke. She nodded and got her strength to walk over to me and hug me tight. A tear slipped from my eye as I wrapped my arms around my mother. This was the second time my father has been taken from me, for good. 

My heart ached my stomach turned my body got weak but I refused to let any more tears leave my eyes. I cried enough to last me a life time for these past two weeks. I haven't spoken or seen Mell for these whole to weeks, I couldn't bring myself to leave this house. I was broken. 

The next day I heard a moving truck outside, I went to my window to see Mell moving her stuff out. I lost my father I didn't want to lose Mell at this moment. Without a shirt or shoes on I ran out across the Lawn to her yard and stopped her in her tracks. She looked at me and I could tell something wasn't right. 

"You cant go." 

"I have too." She spoke softly trying to walk around me but I stopped her. 

"I need you right now Mell. No one knows me like you do, and I cant even front that I kind of feel something for you." I looked in her now watery eyes hoping she see a nigga desperate. 

"Zay I..." 

"Zay baby I'm so sorry for your lost." A pair of arms wrapped around me and Mell's face changed. I turned to see Becca looking up at me. I looked back at Mell whose tears had confirmed I just fucked up. 

"I need to go." Mell moved around me and Becca to the moving truck and I let her. Im guessing that was her last box of stuff because after she got in the passenger side of the truck. A very familiar but sexy older woman went to lock up the house, I looked back at Mell who I just caught wiping another tear. The last piece of my heart was ripping and I couldn't stop it.  

"Lets get you inside baby." Becca rubbed my back guiding me back in the house. Once in the house I looked down at Becca and shook my head she kissed my lips and sat me on the couch messaging me but her hands didn't feel like Mell's nore her kisses or hugs. I had to break Becca's poor heart simply because she wasn't Mell. And from that day on all my focus went to business, I was the heir to this Kingdom my father had built and now I had no room for love, the only love I might of had just moved out my life and now its time for Zavier Johnson to take over the game. 

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