2 // Girl, I Was Just Tryna Get A Nut Bust

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Jade kissed her parents goodbye as she walked into Erin's car. Edwin wasn't in the car like she thought he would be. Maybe he rides with his friends?

"Goodmorning buttercup. Are you ready for your first day at East?"

"No, I'm already known as the girl who transferred her senior year. I'm already gonna get looked at."

"Not to mention you poppin too," Erin laughed but Jade rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine trust me. My friends and I got your back. Speaking of friends, I told Z I would pick him up today."

"That's homeboy from down the street I didn't meet? The one who that the goldielocks kid said would like me? Why we picking him up?'

"Ha, yeah that's him. I figured we might as well since he's right here but Zion is really cool. He can be annoying and arrogant but I wouldn't be friends with him if he wasn't cool and you know that more than anybody."

Jade pulled onto her hat more to cover her face as she sunk into her seat. Two minutes later, she heard the backseat car door open. Coming into the car was this tall lightskin kid with blonde dreadlocs covering his face. He was wearing a long sleeve black tee and jeans ripped at the knees. He took his earbuds out of his ears as he began to speak.

"Hey Rin, how are you? Is this your friend?"

"I'm good and yeah this is Jade. Jade this is Zion."

"Hey lil mama," Zion extended his hand out for Jade to grab. She gave a peace sign to the boy as she kept her face forward and ignored his hand.

Zion shrugged and sat back in the seat as the car started to move forward. Jade knew the school was only 5 minutes away from the house so she was praying no conversations with this Zion kid was going to happen. Zion on the otherhand, was trying to get a look at this girl. He remembered Austin telling him that she was just his type. From her outfit, she was already meeting his expectations. With her maroon cropped sweater, black leggings and black hat, Z was already feeling her. She'll come around eventually; they always do. Erin pulled up into the school parking lot and everyone hopped out. The three walked out of the car and Erin grabbed Jade's schedule.

"Okay, let's look at this badboy. Jade King. Locker 457. Advisor is Laura. You got Probability and Statistics, Physics, World History, Economics, English, Dramatic Literature, Chorus and Songwriting."

"Good news for you Jade," Zion wrapped his arm around Jade," We have chorus and songwriting together which means you get to spend the end of the day with me every other day."


"Your locker is around ours and advisor is the same as the rest of us and I'm pretty sure you have classes with the others so you won't be alone or with Z the entire time."

"I'm sure Jade and I will get along just fine."

"Why are you still touching me?" She pulled Zion's arm off of her and crossed her arms. The three of them walked to their lockers where the rest of the crew were.

As Zion closed his locker, a girl was leaning against the one right next to his. She smiled obviously waiting for a response. She had straight black hair and wore shorts and a crop top. She was a baddie and Z liked what he seen.

"Hey Zion. I just really thought you should know I enjoyed Friday night. Are you free this Friday?"

Zion couldn't quite figure out what this girl meant by Friday. The only thing he could remember was dancing with the brown eyed girl one moment then the next he was getting head from-oh wait. He remembered.

"Um, we'll see. I'll let you know baby," He shut his locker and went to his advisory to meet up with the rest of the gang. They left him behind to deal with that girl. They always do.

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