8 // He's At Your Window

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Zion sat down in his usual seat in advisory next to Austin. He didn't say much but he did look at his phone the entire time. For the past two weeks, Zion has looked at the photo of Jade's conversation with this unknown number. He analyzed everything from the way they typed, to the punctuation, the timing and even to the way he took the photos of her. Every angle was taken into consideration. His heart hurt knowing that something was wrong. He wanted to stop it all. This week was different from last week. Something didn't feel right.

"Yo, Jade, Z when is the music video coming out for your song?" Brandon asked looking to each of them. Zion stayed silent. He didn't feel like speaking to anybody today. Jade looked at him and then to Brandon.

"It's dropping today. Plus a bunch of other people have different promos so Scott figured that we should just have an assembly to do it all."

"Oh word? We getting out of class? That's that shit I like," Austin said.

Austin went to dap up Zion but Z just looked at his hand. Austin took he didn't want to interact so he dapped up Nick instead. Edwin looked at Zion, then to Jade who directed her eyes to him. She shrugged her head in confusion. She knew as little as Edwin and she was not going to take the blame for something she didn't do. Edwin looked at Zion, who's gaze was on the floor.

The bell rang for the next class. Zion grabbed his bag and was out the door. Edwin looked at Jade who still looked confused. Edwin ran after Zion who was pretty far down the hall. He mentally cursed his smaller legs and ran as far as he could. He finally caught up to him before he turned the corner.

"Z? What's up?"


"I'm not fucking stupid don't lie to me."

"I said nothing."

"We out here lying here I see."

"What's up you got a problem then?"

Zion threw down his bag and stepped up to Edwin. They were only a few inches away from each other. Everyone around them slowed down to watch the commotion. Zion kept his eyes pierced on Edwin. Edwin looked into them. Despite the front Z had up, he could see the hurt in his eyes. He scoffed and turned away. Zion was left alone with a crowd of people looking his direction.

"Everybody got class right? Then get the fuck to stepping." He grabbed his bags and went to class.


Jade walked into the chorus room and scanned the area. The boys were in their usual spots. She sighed as she looked at Z. He has been silent all advisory and by the looks of it, she figured he was going to be silent all chorus and the assembly. She put her stuff down in one of the desks and grabbed her chorus binder. She walked over to Edwin who was walking her direction as well.

"What the fuck is wrong with him? Did you tell him anything?"

"I didn't tell him shit. I thought you did something."

"I already hurt him once do you seriously think I'd hurt him again," Jade rolled her eyes as they walked towards the chorus stands.

"I'll try to get it out of him but I don't know if he's gonna budge right now. He'll probably talk to you."

"I can't face that, E."

She shook her head and went to her spot. The their teacher went to the piano and started doing warm up exercises. Jade looked towards Zion in her peripheral. Usually, he would make sure everybody knew he was singing. He loved showing off his vocals. Today, Jade could barely see him move his lips; she wouldn't have been surprised if he never did to begin with.

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