10 // I Usually Just Stalk You

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A/N I finally fed yall. i barely edited this. this is also shit. i apologize.

It's been a little while since the incident. Zion has since recovered from his wounds and promised Jade to not try anything again. Jade's stalker hasn't come after him since but still Jade is a target of his desires. Of course, J and Z haven't been seen without someone else present when outside of class but those moments still are cherished. As much as Jade wanted to be alone and just converse with him for hours on end, she knew she couldn't. She couldn't risk a part two.

Jade and Erin walked into the cafeteria to meet up with the gang. She found the girls sitting at the table but the guys weren't. She figured they were probably up to no good. She sat down with them and started talking about their day so far and what they have going on. As Erin was talking about her creative writing class, Aryana looked towards the door.

"What the hell are our guys doing?"

They turn around to see the boys wearing these varsity jackets similar to those of the Get Down Brothers. Jade laughed knowing that despite that being one of her favorite shows, they looked ridiculous. Everyone was there except Zion; now him being up to no good by himself was kind of suspicious.

Edwin grabbed mics and each handed the boys one. None of the girls had any clue what was happening. Whatever it was it better have been good because they could not afford to be embarrassed by their boyfriends.

Zion popped up with a jacket just like the boys. He put the mic towards him as he and the boys screamed.

"Shaolin's the DJ that we call conductor cause Shaolin fantastic's a bad mother-."

Then Cadillac by Miguel, which is a song from the soundtrack of The Get Down began blasting on the speakers. The boys started singing that which made Jade so happy considering that's her favorite song from the show. It was obvious they were singing to their girls but it was a cute gesture and had everyone in the cafeteria dancing along to them.

"Our boys are so cute. They should be in a band," Caroline said.

"Facts, I was thinking the same thing," Erin replied.

Just as the last chorus was approaching, Zion grabbed Jade hands and pulled her towards the center. Being center of attention made her blush a little considering the context of the song. As he began singing, the other boys came out singing with posters and balloons in their hands. The finished the song and Jade read what they said.

I know this ain't the Bronx but could you still get down at prom with me?

Jade rolled her eyes as she nodded her head. Everyone clapped and cheered as the two hugged each other.

"Kuwonu, you really are corny as hell. You couldn't have just asked me?"

"I mean I could've just asked you, but I wanted to embarrass you lowkey."

"It worked," she smiled as he kissed her hand and went over to the table with the guys.


Jade stood in the mirror as she put the last bobby pin in her hair. She smiled as she turned to the girls. Erin, Aryana, Caroline and Tracey stood and admired each other. Not only did everyone look amazing for their senior prom but they knew it was going to be a night to remember. They nodded their heads and they each walked downstairs. Jade and Zion's families were waiting downstairs for her to take pictures. She hated pictures but she figured it was her last year, she might as well make it happen. Plus between her friends and Z alone, she would have been forced.

"Jade! Come on, we waiting for you," she heard her mom call out.

She took a breath and walked down the stairs. She started making her way down and saw Zion's jaw drop. She laughed as he paced back and forth down the hall biting on his knuckles.

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