6 // You Can Tell Me All Your Problems

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The last month has been the most awkward month in Zion's entire life. He only conversed with Jade in group settings; not even in class. She only ever wanted to work on their songs when they were with their friends studying. She wouldn't even look at him in the eyes when she spoke despite ALWAYS looking into your eyes when she spoke.

Zion wanted nothing more than to hold her, kiss her, even just sit across from her and have a one on one conversation. She nevers answers his calls or texts. It started to drive the boy crazy. He couldn't take it anymore.

He walked into the music room and saw her in their usual seats. He made his way as she kept her eyes on her phone. As he sat, he took out his phone and texted her.

Me: so are we gonna keep ignoring me? That's the game we playing now?

He locked his phone and looked at her. He walked as she looked at the notification and cleared the notification away. He scoffed and looked at her.

"Now I know you read that shit." She looked up at him and stared at him. Even in class, she never said a word his way. So it was a surprised when she finally spoke to him.

"I did read it. Correct."

"Jade. You can't ignore me forever. I need to know. What happened? What did I do?"

"Nothing Z! It's not you it's me."

"BULLSHIT! I know you. If something went wrong between us it's because I fucked something up. What happened?"

"I'm trying to help you," she whispered.


"Nothing. Just pay attention before we start getting yelled at.

She pulled out her notebook and grabbed a pen. She opened a blank page and started doodling. Zion sighed as he did the same. Zion knew more than anybody, that if Jade did not like something, she would end it right then and there. Zion had to have been the reason something happened. He pulled out his bag as his teacher started going on about the project. He knew Jade was probably taking notes so he didn't bother. He was angry. He was frustrated. He needed to blow off steam. He grabbed his phone and to text the boys in their groupchat.


Me: yall meet me in the bathroom near the music rooms

Mara: i'm on the third floor and you got me going all the way to the basement?

Porter: big facts

Me: it's important

Arreaga: i'll be down in a minute, z :)

Honoret: word? I'll be down. Nick and austin you better come too

Mara: alright Z it seems important i'll be down asap

Porter: i got you Z

I put my phone in my pocket and walked up to the teacher. I asked to use the bathroom. After letting me, I walked over to the bathrooms down the hall. I leaned against the wall near the paper towels as Brandon and Edwin walked in. The slowly approached me as Nick and Austin walked in.

"Yo, Z. What's wrong?"

"Yeah, why are we here," Austin said.

Zion's eyes began to well up and he kept sniffling. He looked down and started playing with his fingers.

"Um, well. I think yall know that Jade and I haven't been right since the date. I've tried so hard. Texts, calls even trying to speak to her. She doesn't wanna talk to me unless I'm around you guys. Today, I asked her why she won't talk to me. She said it was her but I call bullshit. She knows damn well it would never be her... The one thing I wanted and of course, I fucked it up."

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