Twins and a letter.

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~Lilly's pov~

I have been going to the doctors turns out werewolf babies grown much faster and my body is having a bit of trouble so we are going to check on the baby. Jace is going with me to see our little one! I couldn't be happier! We are setting up the baby's crib and he is painting the room but we have to wait because we still don't know what the sex of the baby is. We find out today!

The doctor gets us all set up and I'm laying there looking at my mate. You can tell he is so nervous I swear he is about to freak out. "I bet you it's a boy! I bet you!" he says practically bouncing off the walls. "I don't know Jace I have a feeling it's a girl but then I have another feeling it's a boy. We find out shortly though!" he takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips and gives me a light kiss and smiles. "Ill be happy either way it goes. As long as you both are healthy I'm okay with it." I smile and lean up to kiss him.

A few minutes later the doctor walks in an tells me how it's going to be cold and so on. She places it on my belly and we look at the screen. We don't hear one heart beat, we hear two. "doctor what does that mean?" it was a stupid question to ask I know but I just wanna make sure I'm heart it right. She turns to me and smiles brightly "Luna your going to have two babies!" Two babies.... not one but two.. I can't tell if I'm excited or nervous! IM HAVING TWINS! I'm not even sure how I'm going to have one, now I'm going to have two!

"Now if you look over her u will be able to see the sex of one of them." she points at the screen I look at it as hard as I can to make sure. I realize I haven't heard anything from Jace in a while so I decide to look over at him. he looks down at me "We're having twins." It was like he was stuck and couldn't move foreword in a shock mode. "Jace we can do this. We are going to be okay we have each other." looks me in the eyes and smiles "We're having twins!" and kisses me then looks at the screen. "it's a boy alright." the doctor says and chuckles. "now let's try and see the sex of the other one. She moves it around a lot and I can feel the babies move inside of me. Its one of the most amazing feelings in the world, no words can even began to describe my happiness. "it's a girl." she smiles brightly again again. "Congratulations Alpha and Luna your really going to have your hands full." she smiles and clean my tummy off which is getting to look like a watermelon. We thank the doctor and get the pictures and leave.

~Jace's pov~

Ever since we got home I have been painting and preparing the nursery for our babies! Wow we decide to paint the top a light blue and the underneath a darkish gray. the light blue crib is the girls and the dark gray one is the boys. We have it almost completely set up we have a white chest that has toys in it more like filled almost over flowing with toys already. We have two rocking chars next to each other by the window. There is a bunch of other crap but rather not describe the whole room.

Moments later I join my mate in our bedroom which is right next door to the babies room. I wrap my arm around her and cuddle as close as I can to her. we fall into a heavy sleep.


I wake to a loud noise coming from the nursery. Lilli sits up as fast "Baby stay here, lock the door when I leave, then go hide. Don't come out till I tell you it's safe." I walk to the door as she follows me. I give her a kiss before she closes the door.

I sneak over to the nursery and push the door open ready to attack whoever is in there, but no one is there. Everything is destroyed. There are claw marks down the walls, the cribs are shattered into bits and toys are scattered across the room.

They masked their smell so well that I couldn't trace it. my heart fell as I look at the once perfect room picking up the pieces. Lilli was so proud of this room.. She was so happy all day, now this had to happen... the though of how my beautiful pups could have been in here during this attack sent my anger at it's all high. I walk to the window and pick up what I'm guessing is a letter.

It reads 'Hello Jace. I would like to say congrats on knocking up our little mutt! Sorry I had a bit of a party in here. You should really pay more attention to locking windows wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now would we? didn't think so. Have a wonderful night can't wait to meet you face to face. Of corse that will come in the near future.
P.s. Give sweet Lilli a kiss for me.'

I started to see red I wanted this THING dead! he has no humanity not even a little bit. He wants my mate.. That will never fucking happen not on my watch! Shit Lilli!

I run to our room and bang on the door "Lilli open the door please baby!" I don't hear anything. I bang on the door again. "Lilli!" still nothing but the wind. I kick the door open and see the window open and the smell hits me. Tom. I start searching for her. "baby?" I found her hiding in the closet crying. "shh baby don't cry. come here it's okay I got you." she wraps her arms and round me and I move her to the bed. She hands me a letter.

It reads 'Oops well looks like you don't need to give her that kiss for me, I took care of it myself. I just couldn't resist. Also can't wait to meet those innocent nasty little things! '

She looks up at me as she shakes uncontrollably while she cries. He won't come close to you ever again. I will never leave your side ever again. do you hear me?" she nods her head and I wrap her in my arms. "he won't get near our babies." She cried harder "He wants to kill our babies." she cries out in nothing louder then a whisper. I hold her close to me never wanting to let go. I have to end this.

~Lilli's pov~

Hiding in the closet I hear the window open I try to stay quiet so that they don't hear me, knowing that it isn't the person I wish it to be.

I hear footsteps coming so close to where I am. My heart races so fast the only thing running through my mind is that I have to protect my babies.

The door soon opens and my heart stops...there stands evil itself. "Tom." my heart drops to the floor. trying to think of how to save them. "Congrats Lilli." he bends down to my face and kisses me. I want to puke all over him that horrible monster of a creation! He hands me a letter. "Don't worry. I plan on paying you a visit after they are born. Sorry I didn't bring a blue and pink bear." He gave me a disgusted look then slapped me. He looks at the door when we hear Jace banging on the door "Lilli open the door please baby!" I don't say anything, too scared to. Tom give me a cocky look. He bangs on the door again. "Lilli!" Tom looks at me "shhh." closes the door and leaves me, tears rolling down my face. "Baby?" I hear Jace call but I can't say anything the shock and fear stopping me from doing anything other than cry.

He soon finds me and brings me to the bed trying to calm me down. He tells me he's not going to leave my side that he won't touch our babies or me.. "He wants to kill our babies." I sobbed out. falling asleep in his arms.

[im so so so so sorry lovies I haven't been writing I have been super busy and on top of that I couldn't think of anything to write :( I'm really sorry but ima try and post again soon I just wanted to hurry up and post something for you guys! hope u enjoyed]

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