The very end

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~Lilly's pov~

It's been sixteen years.. To day is her birthday.. Xavier is also turning sixteen today. He knows of his sister. Still feels that never ending bond between them, he is the only way we know she's still alive. We pray that one day we will find her.

The day that Kaylee was take by that monster has left our family with a hole in our hearts. That night Jace and I left Xavier with Leanne and her mate to hunt down Tom. We took the warrior wolves and even most of the pack went out to find him as well. Tom and Kaylee were no where to be found. Jace and I have never given up hope to find her one day. To bring our baby girl home.

~Xavier's pov~

"Xavier get down here! We have to go to your grandparent house they have a surprise for you!" I hear my mom yelling up the stairs to me. Throwing on my shoes and running down the stairs. I'm built like my dad yet have my mothers eyes and more of a mix of hair colors of theirs.

Today is my birthday and my sisters. I wonder if she can feel the bond like I can. See when they say twins share a bond it's very true. I can feel that she's a life but I can't seem to find her. my parents told me to stay out of trying to hunt her down till I'm older, but little do they know I've been searching on my own.

"What took you so long?" she looked at my face searching to see something. I think she can read my mind sometimes. "Nothing just trying to find something to wear." that's a lie but isn't at the same time. I was trying to find something to wear but I was also searching for Kaylee. I think I have to down to where I can find her a place no one has yet thought to look.

"You're lying. Spit it out tell me the truth. You know better then to lie to me." Taking a deep breath looking at the ground so I don't have to look her in the eyes. "I was looking for Kaylee.. but if you would just hear m..." She cut me off short of me trying to convince her to hear me out "Xavier how many time to I have to tell you it's not safe for you to be looking into Tom and your sister's disappearance. It's not safe for you. You don't understand how dangerous he is." she takes my face into her hands. "He has taken one child. He will not take another." tears fill her eyes threatening to spill over when she lets go and heads straight to the door. "I'm sorry mom. I know it's dangerous to look, but I can't sit there and do nothing. I know she's a life." she looks back at me with sadness clear in her eyes "I know you can't baby." and walks out of the pack house to the car.

My grand parent live in a totally different state. They moved there recently and has invited us to come for my birthday. Mom was so worried about making it to the flight on time. She swears we are always late to everything.

One hour on a plane with nothing to do with a kid crying the whole way is enough to drive a person crazy!

We finally get to my grandparents house. They live close to the woods so that way they can let their wolves out so they don't go crazy being trapped in them selfs.

"XAVIER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My grab comes running out of the house to give me a tight hug. Grandpa follows her out of the house laughing at how excited she is. "Hey gran." I hug her back as my grandpa walks over to us. "happy birthday kido." my grandpa gives me a hug like my grandma did except he is trying to break my body I swear! "Grandpa... Can't... Breathe..." Chuckling he lets me go as I gasp for air to fill my lungs! "Sorry about that kiddo just miss you so much."

My family is really close them moving away has been hard on all of us.

"Well what are we waiting for let's show you around!" my grandma takes my hand and leads me in the house. showing me the new living room, kitchen, dinning room, bathroom, and finally my favorite room of the whole house, my room!

King size bed, flat screen tv, xbox 360, even has a work out area all for myself.

"I can't believe it." I'm glad no flies were around because I'm pretty sure my mouth was on the floor. it's my dream room! To think I'm going to be living here for the whole summer!

~3 hours later dinner time~

Sitting around the table my dad and mom sitting next to each other, and my grandma and grandpa next to each other, then there's me. I can't wait till I find my mate. Some times it's really lonely it just being me. Sometimes I wounded if Kaylee were here if I would still feel lonely. If we would even get alone. I guess I will have to wait and find out.

My grandparents live close to the woulda but on the other side of these woulda is a city. A very large city! I want to go and explore it but I'm not sure if they would really let me go with out trying to be my protectors. They watch me like a hawk!

"Hey guys I'm going to go for a run in the woods I might be a while my wolf is annoyed ever since the air plain ride." my dad nods his head and tells me not to be to long and that to check in with mind linking him often as maybe every two hours to make sure I'm okay. I agree and take off running for the woods.

I shift into my beautiful huge black wolf like my dad's but the only thing different is that I have a white moon around my left eye. My mom says that I get that from her. it's like a weird mix of the two strongest wolves her and my dad.

I feel as if I have been running for hours when I feel the strangest pull the same pull I have felt my whole life. My sister.

I run in the direction feeling the bond get stronger.

*BAM* my wolf goes down with something heavy on top of me. That feeling the bond!

My sister?

[hello my dear lovelies!! So I'm really excited about this chapter! It's the very last chapter now I have been thinking about how I'm going to end this. Now this is VERY IMPORTANT! I think I'm going to make a second story for it with the kids but I'm not sure it's 100% up to you my very important readers wether I should or not. Please don't hate me for this ending I understand it's a cliff hanger and you hate/secretly love them so either I write a second book or do a little update for it. Your guys choice please let me know what you all want. thank you I love you all for read it have been my pleasure writing for all of you! <3]

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