Update for the update

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OH MY GOODNESS!!! Okay so I would just like to say sorry to everyone of my readers for not posting or writing a new boom I have been really not there for a while. My phone broke and I haven't been able to fix it till now! Which by the way was really annoying! I couldn't get my information for my wattpad bc it was broke and I'm just so sorry everyone! I love you all I'm getting ready to write the up coming story!!!! I'm excited I hope all of u are as well like I'm really pumped! I also have been looking into some collage classes for writing and English, I'm going I to writing for my future job! I hope all of you will look into my stories if I ever get the really published.. also I'll have an editor when I start right really books! So that's something to look forward to! I love you all and I'll let you know when I post the new story up for you all to read.

Once again I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart I love you all so so soooooo much!

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