Six Feet Under the Bridge

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Attempted Suicide, Mentioned Cancer, Mentioned Death, Mental Breakdown, Mentioned Alcohol Abuse, Mentioned Cancer Treatments.

Read at your own risk. Please take note of the triggers. 

I recommend listening to the song above and maybe watching the video either during or after reading the chapter, I think it helps set the mood. But you do you loves, have fun and enjoy x


Alexis POV

I slowed to a stop in front of the bridge in our local park. I breathed in deeply, fresh air entering my lungs. I looked up. The night sky clearer than ever. Stars brighter than they've ever been. I would be a star soon. Free, shining, bright. No more pain. No more bloody chemo, no more radiation. No more sympathetic glances. This was it. The end. I took another deep breath and walked towards the middle of the bridge. The wind blowing in my hair. I looked down once I was in the middle of the bridge. Another deep breath.

"I love you Leon."

Another step towards the railing of the bridge. Another deep breath.

"I love you New York."

Climb up onto the railing. A glance down.

"It's over."

A jump. A breath. A gust of wind. A hand pulling me back down. A hard chest against my back. Breathing in my ear. It didn't work. I failed. I'm still alive. Tears streaming down my cheeks, I wasn't dead. I screamed. Thrashing around in the person's arms only seemed to make their hold tighter.

"Shhh. It's okay, it's okay. Everything is okay. You're okay. You're gonna be okay." A deep voice, male, whispered into my ear. His tight grip never letting up. I gave up, stopped moving. Tears running down my wind bitten cheeks. Numb, completely numb. The person sat up slowly, me still in his arms. He turned me around, my head to his chest. A random stranger, yet I felt safer than I had in years. Cancer long forgotten, faulty heart doesn't matter, death no longer present in my mind. I took a deep breath. I looked up, my breathing beginning to calm. I was met with piercing green eyes. Dark hair flopped over a tanned forehead. I gasped, pushing myself out of his arms into a shaky standing position. My arms wrapped tightly against my close to flat chest, my head bowed towards the ground. I closed my eyes, recollecting myself.

"Uhm, thanks, I guess. You can uh, you can go now. I'll be okay." My voice cracked embarrassingly as I bit back tears. My lip held by my teeth. The boy, teenager, sighed. Standing up as well. I watched as he took a tentative step closer, as if I was an animal that would run if frightened. I guess would run if I had to. Only not away, towards the bridge.

"I really can't leave you. You'll just jump again, I can't let that happen. You're uh, you're Alexis, right? Alexis Cheva? I'm uh, Reece Stone, Reece from next door. I mean, I uh, live next door to you. We went to school together before you uhm got uh -"

"Cancer. Before I got cancer."

"Yeah, before that. I can walk you home an-"

"NO! I-I-I mean, I wasn't exactly planning to be heading back home tonight. I don't wanna be anywhere near that house or the people in it."

I watched as he winced at my words. His face contorting into a grimace. I don't blame him, it's not exactly a pretty situation.

"Oh, yeah right. Look. My dad could care less if I had someone over for a while. Just until you're back on your feet? Or ready to go back home?"

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