December Deals.

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Chapter 10: December Deals.

1 Month and 1 Week later


"Dad, I am here. Where are you?" I asked as I stood outside the airport. It was Christmas Eve and I was just getting in town to see my family. I heard a horn blow. I looked over and seen My Dad Pink Lambo. Both doors opened and Olly and My Dad rushed over towards me. I hugged them both. My Dad said, "I am so happy to see you. How was the flight?"

"Its was good. Can we go?" I asked.

"Yes. Give me these bags." My Dad told me. Olly added, "I am so happy to see you." As he said the word happy my mind jumped quickly back to the night on that boat. 


"Gio, I cannot believe Speed did all of this for you. I am happy for you and him." I told him as I hugged him at the drink table. We looked over at him talking it up with The Football team.

"I just cannot believe this boy did all this. He actually came out for me. After all the straight boys...I have fucked. I am happy this one worked out. I really care about him." Gio told me. I smirked, "Oh I know you cant stop smiling." Suddenly, we hugged again and Gio was tapped on the shoulder. Speed whispered into his ear and Gio exhaled, "Well, ill be back...see ya' later." They waltzed off down the hall as I poured me another drink. I sipped the cup and went walking thru the party and heard Manny calling out to me from a distance. I walked over towards him and said, "before you talk I just wanna say...thank you for putting this all together for Gio."

"Yeah, he is my Gayhu. I mean its kind of my obligation now." He said as he gave me a smirk. I really think its cool how he doesnt care about sexuality like most men do. He is still friends with Gio. Its kind of cute. Lowkey, Manny isnt ugly at all.

"Anyways, why you called me?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to know if you-um--" My phone buzzed and I told him to wait. I pulled it out and it was Redman. I answered the phone and said, "Hello."

"Hey, I just wanted to call you. I thought I had until the morning, but they got me an earlier flight. And I see you out with your friends. Tell Gio happy birthday for me and I love you Dream."

"Love you too." I told him and I seen Manny face drop before my eyes and I didnt understand why. Redman replied, "My flight is boarding. See you in another life?"

"How about in another time in this one?" I asked him as he chuckled and confessed, "You know how to make me smile, Green Eyes." We hung up the call and I told Manny to continue, but without me knowing he had walked off. I felt a tap on my shoulder and Valencia said, "We are about to scroll for Char...where is Tiff?"

Present Day.


"My mom ordered a Vanilla Pumpkin Cake. Its suppose to be done at 4:30. I am here. The order is under Monica---" The lady behind the corner said, "Oh, Oh, Oh. Its right here." She rushed over to go and grab it. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone from my back pocket.
I had a message from Dream. She must had landed. I opened it and it was her telling me she was here. I smirked and replied, "See you tonight. I got to get a few things in order first." I slid my phone back in my pocket and grab the cake. I walked out of the bakery and went over to my car. I put the cake in the passenger seat, just as my phone started ringing. It must be Dream. I pulled it out and it was Highland. Seeing his name across the screen took my memory back to the night of the boat party. I licked my lips trying to fight the memories from flooding my brain, but it did.

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