Omaha Wentworth

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Chapter 8: Omaha Wentworth.


"Like I said I dont know where you got this information about Lori and I...but I can assure you the last time my dick was in that girl it was literally semesters ago. She was sexy. She was feeling me and it happened. And now since we had sex now I am a suspect." I asked the Lead Detective sitting across from me.

He chuckled, "Oh you are good, but we have a piece of evidence that you didnt know about. Geneau he left something else along with that suicide note. He wrote a seperate note found tucked away under his bed....." The detective went into his manilla folder and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and showed it to me.

"Read it for me, Omaha." He told me. I took a deep breath and read the one line on the paper.

"I did it for my brother, the only one whoever did anything for me."

"His only brother and after a interview with your Chapter President, Jamie he gave us all we needed to put the piece of the puzzle together we have been missing. You had Geneau murder Lori. You maybe walking out of here tonight, because the evidence is still merky. However, I will find out why you did it and you will be charged with hopefully conspiracy to commit murder and as a accomplice to a murder...and if Im feeling lucky with the entire thing. I see guys like you everyday. All of yall have that same look in your eyes." My heart was beating fast as fuck. My sucked my teeth and said, "And what look is that detective?"

"Of darkness. You may go though. I will most definitely be in touch." He told me. I hopped up and went to charging out of the room. I walked across the office space and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had 5 miss calls from my dad. I quickly shot him a text saying I got caught up with some girl and that ill be to my house in a minute. Suddenly, I looked over and seen Char parents they was being handed some papers. I walked passe them and tried not to he noticed.

"Omaha--right?" I heard her father say. I turned around and exhaled, "Yes. What are you two doing here?"

"They have finally allowed us to consider our Char missing. You was really close with her have she contacted you in the past few days." He asked. I exhaled, "Just a txt saying she was going home. Like she sent a few others." Her mom dropped her head and cried out, "My baby. I knew I should have had her come home after that girl was found dead...."

"I have to go, if you hear anything please contact me. I miss her." I said lying my ass off. They will never find her. She is rotting away covered in lye in a trunk in my room closet. I walked outside and waited for my Uber. It appeared a few minutes later and I got in. I had to go get my car from Lori best friend parking lot. And oh did the police save that bitch. I was going rock her fucking life. But for now she is safe shit has to die down for a minute.

About an hour later I walked up to the Kappa door and unlocked it. I walked in and headed upstairs. I walked into my room and grabbed the Lye cannister and went to my closet. Just as I was about to unlock it to pour more it was a knock at my door. I placed it down and closed the closet.

"Come in." I said. Jamie waltzed in and asked, "Did your dad head back home?"

"He said he was here, but he havent replied or called me." I told Jamie as the rage started building up with me knowing he lead the cops to me in a way. I was about to question him, but I couldnt tip them off.

"Oh okay, well goodnight." He said before leaving. After I ran over and locked the door. I drowned Char body with more lye and locked it back. After a long shower I went downstairs to get some water and stared out of the patio door and seen my Dad hopping off of the boat. And him and Speed clapping eachother up. Thats odd, Speed wanted shit to do with him. I walked out on the patio as my Dad walked up.

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