Glowing Eyes...?

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It was a terrible day, your blinds out the front were blowing in the hysterical wind. You curled up near your small heater and clutched at your blanket - hoping to get some warmth. This weather didn't bother you one bit, you loved these days when the rain hit your window and slid down. But today was different... this weather didn't happen in summer?! You knew that this stormy day was happening because of something.

You stood up, still wrapped in your blanket and started walking to your small kitchen to get some tea. As you waited for the kettle to boil, you felt like you were being watched? You looked over your shoulder and saw a very tall figure!

You froze and held back a gasp... who the hell got into your house?! You weren't out at all this morning! The previous night (as anyone would do) you had locked every door... even the dog door! You hit yourself on the head, how could you leave poor Wendy outside!

You ran out the front and immediately missed your warm comfortable couch but searched frantically for Wendy

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You ran out the front and immediately missed your warm comfortable couch but searched frantically for Wendy. You saw her laying on the front stairs thankfully she was breathing you picked her up and placed her inside. As you were about to close the door one of your porch blinds had come loose... you sighed and walked over to it and stood in your tippy toes trying to clip it back in the hook. When you thought you were close you let go of it and... the whole thing fell off...

You groaned softly, if it could more and more rain began to pour. You closed your eyes and huffed in frustration but snapped them open when you heard a scream?! You could faintly see a small figure on the road in a familiar yellow raincoat. It was Georgie Denbrough! He was bleeding from his right arm, badly! He tried desperately to crawl away from the sewer. "Please someone help me!" He screamed. Your eyes widened in terror and ran down your entrance stairs and reached out for him. "(Y/N) HELP ME!" He yelled but was quickly sucked into the sewer! "NO!" You screamed loudly. You fell to your knees and sobbed... why didn't you run faster?! Why didn't you watch when you were getting Wendy?! Why! Why! Why!

You didn't bother to wipe away the tears, rain dampened your face even more. As you lifted your head you saw two glowing yellow eyes? The thing growled and reached out for you as well but you stood up quickly and ran back to your home. You locked the door and breathed heavily, your heart racing you could practically hear it in your ears! Was that the thing from earlier?

You let out a cry and sunk to the floor - once again sobbing...

If you told anyone what you saw... they would think that you were crazy! God... what about Bill! His family! You were so close! A step away! Wendy came over to you and curled up beside you, after you regained your breath, you stood up and walked towards your bedroom... you needed rest and a lot at that...

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