"I love you..."

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I got up at 5am, I needed to get back home to get some decent clothes for school. I quietly walked down the stairs and opened the door. I cautiously closed it behind me, my place wasn't that far from Bill's so it didn't really bother me. When I reached my house, I stopped in my tracks... there was a balloon floating near the front door? I groaned, this clown is pissing me off! I grabbed the balloon and popped it underneath my foot. Stupid clown...

At school

I got my books and pencils for the day, not really caring if I was late... as I was walking to first class I heard people whispering 'Did you hear that one of Henry Bowers friends went missing!' and 'I bet Henry killed him.' These people seriously need help, Henry would probably beat their asses if he heard what they were talking about. I sighed and entered my first class.

The end of the day

My feet ached from walking back and forth from each class. I finally reached my locker and slammed it shut. "Hello my beautiful, lovely, soon to be queen and wife!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and smelled my hair. "Is there any need for you to call me that? You don't own me, clown." I growled before shoving him off me. His eyes turned a ruby red colour then suddenly had rows and rows of teeth! I made a face of disgust, he grabbed me by my throat. "Oh (Y/N) I'd prefer it if you politely called me Pennywise! We are to be wed soon!" I tapped on his arm for him to let me go, but he kept his firm grip "P-p-penny...wis-e I-I-I can't b-breathe!!" His eyes went to an icy blue as he put me down and watch me gasp for breathe. "My Queen... I never meant to hurt you! Please forgive me!"

I stood up and walked away, I looked behind me to see Pennywise gone. I sighed in relief and ran straight home.

As soon as I entered threw the front door, I sat on my couch and laid down... I felt slightly bad for Pennywise, he was so sorry when he hurt me he looked like a kicked puppy. No (Y/N)! He eats children! He killed Georgie! I can't fall for a stupid clown! My thoughts were cut short when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and walked over to it. There stood Pennywise... "What'd you want?" I groaned, he smiled and said "I feel terrible for earlier, you didn't except my apology..." "Apology accepted. Now go away!" I slammed the door in his face and turned around only for him to be face to face with me. "Godammit Pennywise! Why are you so...so...ANNOYING!" I screamed, he frowned. "I'm trying to protect the one I love! Haven't you seen how much I love you!" He backed me up against the wall, his hands on either side of my face.

I was bubbling with rage! He did terrible things to me and to others! He's been stalking me! He probably killed my nana to get her out the way! But then again... he could be so nice and caring at times. But he could kill me in an instant... my mind was in pain because I was so confused and frustrated, but the next thing I said to him didn't bother me - but it did him.

"WELL I DON'T LOVE YOU! IN FACT I HATE YOU! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU TWAT! I WILL NEVER BE YOURS! I HOPE YOU DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH! JUST LUKE YOU DID TO THOSE CHILDREN!" By the time I finished that sentence he had tears running down his face. I grabbed him by his puffy collar and opened the door. "Now..."








Once I had pushed him over the porch stairs he fell back onto his ass. He stood up and never looked at you, he then disappeared. Leaving you smiling and singing in relief. That felt good!

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