Relief But Still In Pain

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Pennywise's Point Of View

I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt. I sunk to the floor and stared at nothing. Why didn't (Y/N) love me? I'd do anything for her. Why did she hate me? I needed something to eat that fateful day I saw my (Y/N) so close. But she saw a monster. I just wanted to hold her, kiss her, brush and smell her soft strawberry scented hair. To wake up to her beautiful face.

What if she was going to move away? If she ever tried to move, I could never hurt her. I can't believe I hurt her! I'm so stupid! I'm a disappointment! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault!

I snapped...

(Y/N)'s Point Of View

I know I should feel a bit sympathetic for Pennywise but newsflash! I don't! I smiled and laughed, Wendy climbed on my lap and barked when she noticed my happy mood. I scratched her small head and kissed her softly. Hopefully he'd leave me alone!

A week later

Bill and I had gotten some new friends, Bowers still didn't leave us alone only if I was around he would just glare at us. As time went by I asked the losers - that's the name of their club - if they had seen anything strange related to Pennywise, they all shook their heads. Maybe he's going through heartbreak mode? As I was walking down the hall to my last class Stan came up to me. "H-hey (Y/N). Bill said to meet down by the creek near the sewers, apparently he's going to take us somewhere "fun". Probably a something boring for all I know." He said plainly I laughed lightly "Okay meet ya there!"

After school

I got my bike out from the shed and rode to the familiar yet old hill where I used to spend all my time with. That's basically how Bill and I met! Surprisingly I was shy when I first went to Derry Highschool. I stumbled upon that hill one day and began to draw or write stories, Bill and Georgie were out camping and found me alone so they became my new friends. Thank goodness they did I'd still be a loner for all I know.

As I approached the entrance someone yelled, "(Y/N)!" I spun around and saw Bill! I ran up to him and we hugged tightly. "T-t-thanks f-f-for c-coming!" I smiled. As time went by the rest of he losers club began to pile up. Everyone turned to Bill, "So what's the occasion." Stan asked, Bill smiled. "W-w-well I-I th-ought that i-i-if we all c-could hang o-ut t-t-together a-and swim in the river over t-t-the c-cliff?" He finally managed to say a full sentence. I smiled and asked "I love the idea and all Bill but... what about towels?" He laughed and swung his bag over his shoulder, pulling out various towels.

"Your it (Y/N)!" Eddie yelled, "What! No fair!" I giggled as I ran after them. I was about to tag Stan when I heard someone yell. "STOP!" We obeyed, it was Bill. We looked where he was pointing - towards a cliff. I walked over and looked down, water was below us. I turned around and started undressing, I doubt Bill got everyone bathers - I didn't mind though.

I looked up to see the boys all with there mouths open or their faces were flushed

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I looked up to see the boys all with there mouths open or their faces were flushed. I smiled, "Well, are you guys coming or not?" I didn't let them reply as I jumped off the cliff landing in the cool liquid. "Come on boys! Don't be pussies!" One after the other the boys started jumping off, not long after Richie put Bill in a headlock and pulled him underwater. We laughed and joked around, Bill said that we should head back up to the cliff to get our clothes and such.

Bill handed me a towel - I laid it down on the hot rock of the cliff and sighed in content, someone put on a radio because I heard music playing softly. I closed my eyes but got curious when I heard whispers then absolute silence? I opened my eyes and sat up all the boys where looking away... wow boys...

A while later

After a while the boys started leaving, I was the last one. I put my clothes back on and looked around for my necklace my mother gave me before she... left. I saw it on my towel and stupidly I picked up my towel - flinging my mothers necklace into the water! "No!" I reached out for it only for it to fall straight down, luckily I held my balance.

"Godammit (Y/N)! You dumbass!" I screamed at myself, that was my mothers, the only thing that reminded me off her and dad

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"Godammit (Y/N)! You dumbass!" I screamed at myself, that was my mothers, the only thing that reminded me off her and dad... I sobbed quietly before grabbing my things and stomping off.

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