A Year Later

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Your Point Of View
It had been a year since... poor Georgie had "disappeared". I still couldn't tell anyone about that day, I felt so bad for Bill - I wanted to tell him so badly! But he'll probably think I'm crazy or be seriously offended.

My alarm clock beeped repeatedly/annoyingly, in which I groaned... I chucked my warm blankets away from my body and ran to the bathroom to feel that oh so loving warmth again. As I turned on the shower I heard a whisper? "Be careful (Y/N)! IT's always watching you..." I spun around quickly to see no one...?What the fuck?! I shook it off but not before locking the door.

The hot water slid down my skin and into the drain, I grabbed some soap and started cleaning myself quickly. My friends will have a tantrum if I'm not with them... not like I cared I'm practically always late... I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel - drying off. I got my clothes and walked back into the bathroom. As I finished putting on my clothes I did my hair hurriedly.

 As I finished putting on my clothes I did my hair hurriedly

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