14 | i fucked up

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baby boy
I think I fucked up

real daddy
what did you do now?
did you break the new coffee machine?

baby boy
I wish I did
but no
I broke someone's heart

real daddy
a girl that confessed to you?

baby boy
remember how I said I was working for Kim Taehyung?

real daddy
holy shite
is he trying to chase after you?

baby boy
no hyung
I gave him some advice
and I think my advice was perhaps illogical
and it might have broke him

real daddy
what did you say?

baby boy
'being gay will ruin your career'

real daddy

baby boy
I know I know
that was awful stupid of me
and I'm regretting it

real daddy
you should know better than to meddle with someone's sexuality
if he likes someone, let him like that someone even if that someone is a guy

baby boy
I know
but the guy he likes
it's Hoseok

real daddy

baby boy
what I mean is
the stranger that Hobie was texting was Taehyung
and I think I fucked things up

real daddy
I think you did too
you shouldn't have meddled into his feelings

baby boy
I feel guilty

real daddy
I think you should apologize joon
that wasnt very nice of you
if he loves a male, so what?
if his fans were real fans, they would accept him

baby boy
but then hobie would be hurt
joonie doesnt want hobie to be hurt
joonie is sowwie

real daddy
aw shite
where are you?

baby boy
joonie is at the studio

real daddy
stay there
daddy will be there soon

baby boy
will daddy bring joonie to apowogise to taetae?

real daddy
if that is what joonie wants

baby boy
okay daddy
come soon
joonie is scared

real daddy
on my way joonie

baby boy
joonie loves daddy

real daddy
love you too baby

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