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joonie baby
Jinnie hyung?

real ass daddy
yeah joon?

joonie baby
Help me please
I feel so guilty

real ass daddy
about what joonie?

joonie baby
You know that kim taehyung accident right?

real ass daddy
the one that went rival and concert got cancelled?

joonie baby
Remember how I told you that Hoseok was chatting with him?

real ass daddy

joonie baby
Because I was on his speed dial
I got called in for his details
And then I got hold of his phone
And Hoseok texted him
But I dont know how Taehyung texts him
So Hoseok's suspicious
What should I do??

real ass daddy
first off
chill joon chill
try to be honest with hobi
he at leasts needs to know a little truth
but dont directly tell him that the tae he's texting is actually taehyung

joonie baby
Okay jinnie hyung okay
I swear
I am nothing without you

real ass baby
yeah babes
you only love me for my wisdom

joonie baby
Hyung please
There's also the mind-blowing sex too ;)

real ass daddy
of course baby boy
you love my cock too

joonie baby
Aww come on
I love you so much daddy

real ass daddy
okay okay
i love you too baby
you should go deal with hoseok
dont let him know it's you okay?

joonie baby
see you :*

real ass daddy
see you baby <3

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