38 | lost

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The air around him felt light, the grass he stepped on was soft. The place he was currently in was calm, cooling and pulled him in like a moth drawn to light. The birds were high up on the trees chirping a merry tune and the wind was blowing a cool breeze though the sun shone bright in the sky. Butterflies fluttered about and the sound of water rushing from the river made the whole place even more calming.

The clothes he donned were new - loose button up and cotton pants. The material felt soft and it was loose enough for breeze to kiss his skin. He walked around the place to find out where he was but it was so full of nature that he was not able to guess. Growing tired, he walked towards a big oak tree and sat down with his back against the trunk. The shade of tree shielding him from the sun.

Watching the beautiful scenery in front of him was relaxing, a scene that he was not able to enjoy often, but he soon grew bored. He sighed before patting around his body to see if there was anything he had. The sunlight came in at the right angle and a glint came from his right hand. He stopped patting for a moment and brought his hand closer for a look. On the ring finger of his hand was a beautiful silver band with a diamond in the middle. It looked exquisite and it triggered something in him. Had he seen this ring before? Where did he get it? What did it mean? Questions ran through his mind but he ignored them and just slumped against the tree. His arm brushed across something solid as he put his hands down.

Curious, he reached into one of his pockets and took out the thing he had felt. A phone, he thought, maybe I could call Joon hyung to pick me up. He quickly unlocked the phone and clicked onto 'Contacts'. The list was almost empty except for one number. The name saved was 'seokie' and he ran his mind trying to remember who it was. Alas, he could not find a face nor a person to fit and gave up. Opening the gallery, there was only one picture - a really handsome guy with strawberry blonde hair that he did not recognize.

Sighing, he exited the application and locked the phone, slipping it back into his pants pocket. He tilted his head up to watch the sky and noticed the clouds had turned dark. Maybe it was about to rain, he thought. But as he looked down and around, the once beautiful scenery had turned into something unimaginable to men. The flora had turned a charcoal black and there were no longer any birds or butterflies. The river in front of him turned muddy and the water a murky grey.

Immediately, he tried to stand up but he could not as a sharp pain pierced through his chest. Clutching tight, he tried to even his breathing as the pain started to spread through his body. He looked up and squinted his eyes at the figure coming towards him. When he recognized who it was, his eyes widened and he gasped before he was consumed by darkness.

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